Thursday, January 7, 2010

Singing game day......

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.

Ok now, I hope you know the whole song as you need to try to identify the 12 items from the song.  This is the set that I bought after Christmas that represents one item of each part of the song.

As my wife just said to me, the set should have had 7 swans to represent 7 swans a swimming. Oh well, you know that it was made in China so the tradition gets translated into other ideas. Enjoy the game. I gave you two clues now, so you are on your own.

It has started snowing again and the wind is going to blow forty miles an hour. We bought up the supplies that we will need so we are ready. We hope that the electricity doesn't get affected.

As I was out filling the feeders I stole a shot from the neighbors tree.  It is one of those stylized shaped trees that they put on cards.  Angel boy is still hanging in there as you can see below.

You know him well and he holds his own at the end of the bench.  I just had put out a metal bucket with a water heater in it to keep water open for the birds. You can barely see the bucket over his shoulder.  I should be able to keep up with the blogs as it seems we will be inside for a very long time..........again.  Thanks for reading.


  1. That poor angel, he needs a quilt!

  2. That statue photo says perfectly how cold it must be there. Stay warm. Hopefully the electricity will stay on for you.

  3. It looks so bloomin cold there Larry !
    Wrap that poor angel in a blanket, before it loses it's wings....
    I like your tree ornaments, they'll look spiffing on the tree next year, and by then, I may have remembered all the words to that rhyme;)
    Stay warm !

  4. Ooooooo, he looks SO cold out there in the snow...!
    You are very sweet to think of the birds during your cold spell.

  5. Your poor little angel is frozen solid! I think his teeth are chattering!
    This has been a horrid winter so far, it has been so cold here, I hate the thought of going outside.
    Stay warm.
    Sunny :)

  6. The ornaments are precious, Larry! I dont' remember all the things in the song though.
    What a treasure! You need a special little tiny tree just for those ornaments, & dedicated to that song! The angel makes such a nice picture!

    Larry.... I don't see the bucket in the picture, but be careful with buckets, because birds drown in them. Any water/birdbath you put out for the birds should be very shallow. I know it freezes up fast, & when we have a cold spell, which lucky for me, is not very often. I have to go out several times a day to pour hot water on them to dethaw....

  7. Two french hens, three turtle doves, four calling birds five maids a milking, six geese a laying, no five golden rings, seven maids a milking, eight lords a leapin... I give up :)!

  8. You are building up a fine collection for coming years. Great snow pictures, they could have been taken here.

  9. Brrr! It looks cold, just like here. Hope the cold doesn't crack the angel. The tree ornaments are great, a bit like the ones I briefly mentioned on your other blog.

  10. Thanks for the warning about the bucket. I normally use a larger flat watering pan but it is snowed in out in the shed. It has a heater in it that is floating in there to give them something to stand on while drinking. We are in the middle of another snow storm with lots of wind right now.

  11. You're welcome Larry... I know of birds that have drowned in buckets. A friend of mine lost a beautiful parrot that way. She forgot the bucket that she used to wash the floor in the aviary. Even with someting floating, should a bird slip in, it may not be able to get onto it, especially wildbirds, as they do not have hooked beaks to grab with and pull.

  12. What a cute set of ornaments. I don't think I've ever known the correct order of that song :)
    That's a lot of snow you've gotten. I think it's so nice that you have water out for the birds!

  13. Love those ornaments 12 pipers piping, eleven maids a milking, ten lords a leaping, nine drummers drumming??? , eight maids a milking ( oh Oh too many maids milking) , seven swans a swimming, six geese a laying, five golden rings , four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear treeeee!:)
