Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday's Wonders..........

Barney is a refreshing spot of color amongst the white of winter.  The cats of the neighbor's don't venture out much in this winter weather so all he can do is dream about all the barking he use to do at the cat's on the porch.

This tree in the front of my house was a one foot sprout that I brought home from Minnesota.  It is a balsam evergreen and the two others I had like this were snapped off in an instant with the tornado winds a few years ago.  The house protected this tree.  The squirrels jump onto this tree from the  large maple and then scurry across our roof onto my backyard fence.  They follow it all the way around to the backyard bird feeder.

The pin oak that looses it's leaves in the spring.  The frost on the leaves makes an interesting pattern. I find the tree to be an interesting specimen.

My neighbor's tree.  I really don't know the kind of evergreen that it is, but the frost makes it stand out and look very unusual.  A man  that lived on that property previously was the head landscape person for the State Hospital north of here, so he had done a lot of interesting planting on the two lots.  The present owner has thinned things out and trim things up. I am glad he has left this tree alone. He is the one that trimmed up the magnolia to look like a lollipop tree instead of the bonsai look that it had.  I still like the guy, he just drives me crazy with what he does to the plants. 

We are going to be stuck in for 24 hours with continual freezing rain.  I think I will just sit and drink tea all day to soothe my sore throat. Maybe eat on some cinnamon rolls that we bought yesterday.  Thanks for reading.........


  1. Beautiful photos. I love the first one especially. I hate seeing manicured trees too. I love them all wild and natural. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Your frosty pictures are really beautiful. Your neighbor's tree is quite interesting, I really like the shape.
    I bet poor Barney's tootsies are cold, brrr!
    Sunny :)

  3. Ooooooo, I LOVE hoarfrost...and icy rain that freezes on everything for photos..they are my all time favorite, right up there with fall foliage!!!!
    I know it is treacherous and hard to get outside to take photos, but it is so worth it!

  4. Well it sure looks pretty, although I'm sure it's not very fun to be stuck inside. Hope your throat feels better soon.

  5. It really is beautiful here right now. Makes it hard to be annoyed with the ice! Gorgeous shots! The picture with Barney looks like a painting.

  6. You had much heavier hoar frost that we did..excellent photos:)
