Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dreaming of gardens not polar air currents.....

I received my newest issue of Garden Design today.  The gardens are way out of my league but I get free ideas from them.  Ted Danson and his wife Mary Steenburgen have just a little bit more money in the bank than I do, but it is great to see their garden.  They matched the color scheme of flowers with their purple mountains in the background.

The article that I really enjoyed was the one about spring wildflowers.  I have seen some of these on our farm in southern Iowa when I was a kid, but I only have two of the wild ones growing in my yard. The Columbine and the Virginia Bluebells.  I have bluebells everywhere and I really like them. My neighbor has a yard full of them as they have destroyed the previous gardens in an area but the bluebells come up in droves in the grass. 


I have flag iris but it is not a wild variety or at least I did plant it myself. They didn't bloom last year and I really  don't know why.  I will be anxious to see that happening.  You people in the Carolina, Georgia and Washington-Oregon areas will be seeing these plants coming up soon, but we won't see them until March or later.

My wife and I went out to shop for a little while today and within an hour, the temperatures dropped 15 degrees. The windchill was 4 degrees blowing from the north at 25 mph.  We really regretted that we left the house. It is suppose to be arctic cold again tomorrow so we won't leave the house. I can't express to you at how discouraged I am becoming with this cold and snow. We beat our totals for snow and it looks like we are going for more.

I bought a plant light today to encourage my violets and orchid. Oh yes, I bought a calico fantail goldfish and brown and gold shubunkin.  I am going to set them up in one of my son's old smaller tanks and dream of the tropics.   Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow, that temperature did drop fast! That reminds me of the book, "Children of the Storm". If you haven't read it, I recommend it. Stay warm.

  2. I couldn't cope with that depth of cold, Larry. It's bad enough here in the UK... I've never known the cold to affect muscles before... it's really dire. I thought rigor mortis had set in yesterday... grins. I like bluebells, in fact I seem to like all the flowers others call weeds.

  3. I love wildflowers.
    I understand your discouragement with the weather; it hasn't stopped snowing since yesterdy morning, we have over a foot and a half and it's still coming down. Another storm is on the way too. Lots of areas are losing power. I have truly had enough winter! The only one enjoying it is Lucy!
    Stay warm.
    Sunny :)

  4. It's certainly challenging just now. We don't have anything like your cold temperatures, but it's grey and sleeting and miserable and nearly March but it doesn't feel like it. You're right to be gazing at spring flowers instead of out of the window at more snow. That looks a beautiful glossy magazine. Happy gardening dreaming!

  5. Good thing you have all those old coffeecups, Larry. You're going to need a lot of hot beverage to brave through the next winter storm. Stay warm....

  6. Hi Larry, Do you have some Virginia Bluebells? I saw some photos of your Campanula..that was beautiful in your yard.. it grows quite well. Virginia Bluebells are beautiful.. It got cold up here too 24 below zero.. fun:(

  7. I love going out in our woods to take photos of the wildflowers...which I will be doing again this year for my blog....but, like won't be until May! (sigh)
