Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A weak moment.....

I left my parent's home one day last fall and I turned and saw these salt and pepper shakers in a box. They were something that my mom bought on one of our summer travels out west. I had decided to toss the bunch. Stupid emotions make you do things that stopped them going to the landfill.  As you can see I grabbed the shoe box with a bunch of them in it and brought them home. 

They are watermelon heads. They are imports of course.......from Japan. You can see the makers mark on the salt holes as they didn't smooth out the clay bumps when they poked their tool into the top.  Three holes for salt, two for pepper.  

And catch those wonderful blue eyes looking out at you saying "take me home."  My sons will have to throw them away someday when I have been sent to the looney bin.  They are kind of perky in their own way.  

I have decided that anytime that I can't think of something new to blog, I will dig out another set. I have quite of few in which to display from  our world of ketch.

Thanks for reading......


  1. These are so unusual...I have never seen anything like them!

  2. I have a soft spot for such items too! My oldest girlfriend has a cute set that belonged to her grandma. They are my favorite thing to see when I visit her. These are rather perky and would be great to use at a 4th of July BBQ complete with slices of watermelon.

  3. Don't be so sure about your boys....they may hang onto them too!

  4. They are definitely unique. I have gotten in that throw out mode before and regretted it later. I wonder how many little treasures like this end up in landfills.

  5. I have actually tried to find them in a collectors book at the bookstore. I didn't find anything like them.

  6. They are really cute.. Oh when do you plan to go to the loony bin? I hope we get to see more of your great stuff before you go! :)

  7. I've always seen salt shakers with fewer holes.

    Those are creepy, which makes them awesome.

  8. Your shakers made me smile, they are quite unique. A friend of mine collected S&P shakers at one time, she had over 1200, can you imagine!
    The snow is coming down and they are talking storms all week. I am not a happy camper :(

  9. I think they are really cute, those eyes do say "take me home." I've seen some really neat old S&P collections on display in kitchens before, they seem like a fun thing to collect.

  10. I know what you mean. There are some things that you just can't throw out, even tho you know you should. I've caught myself thinking, 'well, the children will just have to decide in due course'. Talk about abdication!
