Thursday, February 11, 2010

Here comes the sun........

I am taking pictures of the sunlight and if there is snow in the picture, I am not recognizing  it.  I thought I should get an updated photo on my poor red bench under the old apple tree.

Here it is, the sun is shinning today.  The red dots are compliments of my camera, I don't know why or how but they are there.

Find the missing two tiered bird bath.  This is the first time ever that I  have seen it totally covered up by that white stuff.  I again wanted to show you the spot of sun in view.

My good friend blue ball hangs in there, but a couple of more snow falls and we will be at the peak of its demise.  More snow coming over the weekend.

We got ice.  The sun really isn't melting much but on one side of my house where it is so heavy, it did cause some it to fall to the ground because of it's weight.

Going out for salad and pizza tonight to celebrate still being alive and well.  On a serious note, my sister-in-law lost her mother today and even though it isn't immediate family, it is immediate hurt for everyone around her.  My brother may come back for the funeral, which is the only good thing coming out of this time.  I miss  seeing both of my brothers who live in the warmer climates of Arizona and California year round. 
Thanks for stopping by and looking at my sunshine........


  1. After getting many days of gray and wind and cold, the sun seems so glorious, doesn't it????
    So sorry to hear about the death of someone you is never easy to see the people around us sad or grieving.

  2. Beautiful sunshine. It sure helps to perk up the sagging winter blah. Your yard looks about like mine with deep snow and drifts. So sorry to hear about the loss. Even if it isn't your family, it is still sad when a death occurs. Pizza and salad sound good. Hope you enjoyed getting out.

  3. Glad to see your sun, we had a cold and rainy day here.
    I can't believe all the snow, it seems like so many places are getting such big amounts right now. I sure hope spring isn't too far off for you.

  4. I thought the snow was all done two weeks ago. Not it's crazy here! Just when I thought I wwouldn't need to shovel again.

  5. Very pretty pictures. An evening out with some hot pizza and a crisp salad always lifts my spirits. So sorry about your sister in law's loss. I know you miss your brother's too. Hopefully spring will be here soon.

  6. You deserve sun, and a thaw, after all the snow you've been through. Still, it seems to me as if the sunlight in these shots is stronger, so perhaps it won't be too long now before spring comes. I see the gardening urge is upon you now!

  7. The sunlight looks warm and comforting in your pictures. Love your blue gazing ball.

    It was cold here for us this morning, 41. It may get up to 63 as it did yesterday.

    I'll be at work again today, so no gardening for me. I may take a walk around shortly though, just to see what's going on.

    Have a good day ~ FlowerLady

  8. Love the pictures, the icicles hanging down, spectacular !
    It still looks bone-chilling cold....
    Pizza and salad always an enjoyable event, have fun !
    I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law's loss, it impacts a whole family, when a loved one passes.

  9. i cannot imagine living in snow that deep - that gazing ball looks pretty tall. Do you guys have feet of snow sitting on the ground?

    Down here we close school and hunker down if we get a good inch of snow and ice. It's rare - once a decade or so - but it does happen.

  10. It isn't abnormal for us to have 6 to 8 inches around all winter, but we have over a foot plus of snow out there right now. Weather men and women say it will settle an inch a day, but we have been so cold that it hasn't done that. I have snow in my drive that is 20 inches deep on each side. Our total accumulation since winter is 54 inches. We will get more this weekend to send it to our five foot total for the year. What is so unusual it that it is continual meaning we are on day 64 with it still out there, where our normal gives us time to melt a little of it away before the next one hits.
