Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wednesday's findings.....

I have this antique firetruck. It came from an older couple,  John and Iva Horton. They offered many old, very old toys to me when I was helping them to move them into town.  I was still in high school and didn't want to be greedy.  Gosh, I should have, could have, but  didn't take  a lot because as a kid I thought I shouldn't.  The rest ended up in the dump I found out much later.  
It is missing lots of pieces and I ruined it's value by painting it, but I still like it.

I was digging in my cabinet, formerly an oat sprouter, and found another car of the collection.  It too is a Tootsietoy.  I didn't know the Tootsietoy is what makes matchbox cars.  Also is the little plane I found that came with the John and Iva collection.  They lost a son in the War and he is buried in France.  Ironically they had a lot of war toys in their toy barrel. This plane is a WW 2 plane replica but I am not sure about models of planes.

I mentioned an oat sprouter above and if you want to check it out I blogged about it a long while back last year.   Show me the Oat Sprouter.

The three male cardinals were disgusted as they had to wait for the squirrel to get off their feeder.  I sent Barney out to send him on his way.  It isn't a close up but if you click on the photo you can see the bright red hungry cardinals a little closer.

We lack 6 inches now of having had 5 feet total of snow for the winter season so far. It is a record and we will hit the 5 foot total easily.
Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Ah, you missed a good opportunity to preserve those toys.

  2. Wow, that is a lot of snow for you! Normal for us...but this year we have gotten LESS than normal.
    I love, love your cardinals and sure wish the one we had would have stayed around, but alas! he is gone....

  3. What charming little toys !
    Such a shame the rest of them ended up in the dump....if only you'd had known that.
    They make replica "old toys" but they lack character.
    The cardinals are my favorite birds. They always act so gracious and patient, as you've pointed out.
    Great pictures, as always.
    Stay warm !

  4. I imagine you could kick yourself for not taking all the toys.
    How do you keep sane with so much snow?

  5. We Keep seeing Your weather on TV reports here in England.Stay Warm & Safe.
    Maybe it was a good thing you repainted the car? It may have lost general value but , as a result, it stayed with you.

  6. I love seeing all your little treasures. It's sad to think of all the toys that have been discarded over the years.
    It's snowing here today, 'they' say about 8 inches are possible. I've had enough!
    Sunny :)

  7. I often think about all the toys I had growing up and wonder what happened to all of them. Over the years my mother gave them away. I am sure most of them are in landfills now, but it is nice to think that one or two of them survived to be treasured like the ones you have.
    Thank goodness those cardinals have you feeding them. With all that snow cover food must be hard to find.

  8. Great treasures you have there..you have the coolest toys! I didn't know that Tootiestoys made Matchbox Cars either..I have a few Matchbox cars upstairs. Your Cardinals are beautiful:)
