Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Looking for patterns in your life.....

When you look at patterns in your life, you can find a variety of things that are decorated with repeated designs for our enjoyment.  Our lives are patterned also, some are so tightly lived that there every day follows a tight pattern, rigid and orderly.

Other patterns we see out there really don't appear to be in order at all. A repeat of the rocks exist when we look at it but nothing is actually in order at all.  Sometimes we live our lives like that and find life out of control.

Pattern can be a repetition of similar shapes but the order is less structured. Color unifies this pattern but there is no motif, set of structures to hold it together.

Some repetitions have a large variety in their sizes of items, but they are all the same thing.

It doesn't matter whether the color is bright or dull it still is a repetition of the very same size.  It is a random pattern again with informal structure.

Sometimes our lives get to be so patterned that it is hard to find individuality. We tend to stay in the line with such rigidity that we don't search for something new. We don't take the road less traveled, or we don't look for new roads to explore.   It is hard to find a balance in life, it is hard not to be in a rut, and it really is hard to find the balance that allows us to have a little bit of both.  

Our lives will always be in patterns,  just like decoration, and we should really work on knowing the difference between the good and bad designs that affect our quality of life.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Yes, we have patterns in our lives, maybe that's what keeps us on the straight and narrow ?
    I like patterns, I'm slow at change.
    By the way, love your new profile picture, just noticed it on your sidebar !

  2. What a great post. So insightful. I am a dish - well I am like that dish above. I don't vary my pattern too much. I need routines. To my own detriment, I am too orderly and rigid at times. It is ingrained in me. I have been that way since I was a kid. It sure makes for some interesting family get togethers. My daughter is just the opposite - free flowing and unorganized like the rocks. My son is just like me. Good thing their dad is like that fern - he holds us all together.

  3. Interesting thoughts.. I was carried away with the greens..especially the little Yarrow or Achillea.. a very nice GREEN pattern:)

  4. The study of patterns and the different patterns are interesting.I like the thought provoking good points about our life in this post.

  5. loved these observations along with the photos, Larry!
