Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One fish.......

 One blue fish, that is all I can come up with today.  I took it at the zoo aquarium this past summer. It is a lot blurry as the camera and the glass didn't cooperate.  I didn't make it out to get weather photos but they all look just the same.  I should head to the basement to get photos of my koi as they are really growing.  They don't get feed much outside with just plants and bugs, so the indoor feeding makes them grow big. Tomorrow is another day.

Barney is better and is putting partial weight on his foot.  He is more active today and I think will be healed up soon, foot or bottom of his paw was the  problem but he is not talking. I had one of those days that my body was telling to go sit down so I did a lot of that today.  My back messes up my balance some days and it's best to behave.

I found a cup and saucer that matches my Greenwood  Tree saucer that I already own. I had blog about it earlier, made in England, looks hand painted but it is not.  It is trimmed in green instead of gold, but I bid on it anyway on Ebay just to see what happens.  Ebay has another one that they found for me but it is being sold out of Australlia and they won't accept American buyers. 

Acutually I searched for it a few weeks back and Ebay is so smart it remembered and wrote me a note when the auctions came up on site. I don't know if you are familiar with how it all works, but I have a dollar bid on it right now but I bet someone in the antique business with be watching for it's last day and will snatch it out from under me.  I have five days to watch and see. I will check it everyday and work it for a while if I ever do get competition.  

Well, it time to shut this down for now. I hope all are well.  Thanks for reading......


  1. Post pics of your Koi! Koi are the greatest fish ever!

  2. I don't know what I would do without your comments!
    I moved .... Will you please come visit my new blog at

    Would you mind if I add you to my 'gardens that inspire page?'

  3. All this darn snow is making me blue! Glad to hear that Barney is feeling better. It's surprising what you can find on Ebay and how the same item can range in price. I've been very lucky a couple of times finding stuff.
    Sunny :)

  4. I've never had much luck bidding on eBay. There must be a strategy to it. I always get outbid, even at the very last. I end it using the 'buy it now' option. It is still fun searching for treasures though.

  5. The fish is pretty, even if he is a bit fuzzy.

    I'm glad to hear Barney is feeling better, and I hope you will be feeling better soon also.

    I have never fooled around with Ebay, I wouldn't know what to do if I did. Probably would bid all wrong and get struck with a big bill and nothing to show for it. LOL...

  6. My wife says when you ebay you need to be right there watching the bidding at the end. Some people slip bids in with seconds to go. Good luck with purchase.

  7. I am glad that Barnabas is better! The weather is getting a bit boring and all one has been at least 24 hours since I took a photograph..and that is not like me at all:(
