Thursday, February 4, 2010

Missed the big day!!!!!!!!!!

Did you know what yesterday was?  Didn't you get a memo? Where is all of my caring public when I need them!!!!  Sarcasm is a fun thing when you really don't care that much.  My start as a blogger began February 3, 2009.  Some people are saying, good he can stop now, he's figured it out, now go away!
I was almost going to not blog at all yesterday due to physical problems.  Then I went ahead and put something up. It was not an eventfull day, just like birthdays are becoming, but I met the mark. 

Above is a coffee mug that the boys, with mom's help, bought for me for some special event.  It is Disney's character Rafiki from the movie the Lion King. It was bought at the now closed Disney Store.

Here is a different view to help you see it is sort of a unique thing. I put it away because it looses color by simply rubbing it against something else.  The interior glaze seems safe but colorful glazes are hard to make that aren't low fired.  Why Rafiki you might ask?  Well because he had one line in the movie that always impressed me.  It is a philosophy that seems to fit where I have been the past couple of years and where I am going in the future.

As I wrote my first blog, I didn't even have a picture.  I went on about all the things I wanted to do with my life and all the history that was then behind me.  I blogged again after my first statement and then I added a picture.

Rafiki is talking to the the young adult Lion King and the lion, Simba, doesn't think he should go back and help his pride, because things happen there in the past that he didn't want to relive or face.  This is the actual copy from the movie:

Adult Simba: I know what I have to do. But going back will mean facing my past. I've been running from it for so long.
[Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick]
Adult Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for?
Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in the past.

Adult Simba: Yeah, but it still hurts.
Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.
[swings his stick at Simba again who ducks out of the way]
Rafiki: Ha. You See? So what are you going to do?

Adult Simba: First, I'm gonna take your stick.
[Simba snatches Rafiki's stick and throws it and Rafiki runs to grab it]
Rafiki: No, not the stick! Hey, where you going?
Adult Simba: I'm going back!
Rafiki: Good! Go on! Get out of here!

In many ways our past can either break us or make us into who we become. The future from the start of my blog was really the same way.  If I knew ahead of time what I was to face in the future, I may not have wanted to even start.  I guess that is life.  As I look back at the past year, it was good.  It was also bad, as it was a year of healing for me from another year back and all of you listened and let me just be me.

Blogging has given me so many new friends, great friends.  We all support each other in this country and throughout the world, and bloggers are really a team. 
Sometimes I wonder if people think I am the little kid brother hanging around and why don't you get loss, but no one has ever said that to me. My complexes would keep reminding me that I should just stop. "You do talk too much, Larry," and yes I do.  I have learned to cut if off and quit rambling, sometimes.  But I am moving on.  More blogs to do, more things to learn than I can ever imagine from all of you.  

You are such nice people out there.  Thank you!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Good Evening Larry and congrats on one year of blogging. I've been blogging just a few months longer than you. I've only recently started following you (thru Connie's Forgotten Old Photos blog) but it's always a pleasure to visit your blogs. I started blogging due to the passing of my mom. I have met so many kind and thoughtful folks from all over. I wish you another year of posting and will be following along.

  2. Congrats Larry! Way to go! I so enjoy visiting here, I do not read many mens blogs..but I sure enjoy yours!! The comments that you leave for me are always appreciated! :)

  3. Congratulations Larry !
    I've enjoyed our visits back and forth this past year ...
    Here's to another !!

  4. Glad I reconnected with you here. And that bit from "The Lion King" is insightful. Have to love the Disney movies.

    Congrats on the year of blogs!

  5. Happy birthday Larry. Oh wait. Is it your birthday? Let me reread. The blog's birthday. I never much did like the Lion King. Now beauty that the beast or Alladin. Those are the great ones. Still no koi pics? ;)

  6. Rafiki: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.

    How true!

    Congratulations, and especially on this post. I've another month to go before I catch you up. I agree with you about the experience, the people we meet through blogging, the friendship. It's amazing.

  7. Congratulations on the blogging anniversary. I haven't been following too long, but I really enjoy your posts. Love the mug. Hope you are feeling better today.

  8. A whole year of blogging, Congratulations! I always enjoy viewing and reading your blogs. The mug is a keeper, esp. since the sons gave it to you. I hope you soon will be feeling better. Rambling? Never! Keep those posts and pictures coming.

  9. Congratulations! Your posts are interesting and thoughtful.Your comments offered encouragement. Expect many more posts as before.

  10. Great blog today! I can so identify with what you say about learning or not learning from the past. My, how we sometimes get stuck there! Yes, it's time to move on and live in, not tomorrow, but today! Thanks for the reminder. :)

  11. Happy Anniversary. I don't always comment, but I do read. You've got a lot of interesting items you've shown. It's great reading the history or the reasons behind all those pieces. Keep on going, man!

  12. Congrats on your "blogaversary". I enjoy your blog because it seems like it's really you, not someone trying to be something they're not. I like seeing your collections and art work and your garden and pets.

  13. Ah, Larry, it is my pleasure to keep reading your blog and seeing your is a better keep blogging now and not give up!
