Monday, March 22, 2010

Grandpa's Ruler..........

My grandfather Burgus passed away the year before I was born, 1949, and my grandmother continued to live in their same house in Murray for a few more years.  They called it hardening of the arteries back then and my grandmother a few years later couldn't live alone anymore.  She was hitching rides to other towns, staying up town at the cafe all day, and generally causing worry to her 9 kids.

My dad helped get the things in the house ready for a sale and he found this folding yardstick in among the things in the house.  I just found it  again in my parents house while closing their house down now.

It is an old one that has a hinge on it to open it up halfway.

Then it is hinged again to open up the individual arms.

My grandfather Burgus did build this house, with a lot of help I am sure, but I wonder if this tool was ever used while doing so.    Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Wow, that is awesome! My guess is he had only a few hand tools and yet he did a remarkable job. It's interesting to think about how resourceful they were back then. Of course they didn't know any better....not like today...we wouldn't dream of doing that without power tools now would we?

  2. Wonderful that you have the ruler and the pictures. It's fun to ponder just how many projects that ruler was used for over the years.

  3. Oh Larry, my carpenter father had an identical ruler, which I still have. It came to me with his toolbox, a fabulous container for all sorts of tools. After he died a lot of his tools went to the apprentices at his firm who couldn't afford to buy their own. You've just roused memories for me,I'm so pleased you posted about your grandfather.

  4. These artifacts are good connections to the past, tangible reminders of another life.

  5. What a treat to find! I continue to use my grandmother's measuring cup whenever I'm baking for the holidays....ignoring the fact that most of the markings are long gone! There is a certain pleasure using the same tools as one's ancestors...

  6. How fabulous that you have one of his tools...I love that!

  7. I used to play with one of these when I was a child..I had not thought about it in years. Thanks Larry! That is some great looking house your Grandpa built! :)
