Saturday, March 20, 2010

Gourds and orchids......slow day

When I first looked into this basket, I thought they had been painted by artists. When I looked closer they were really gourds of many varieties, of some I have never seen before then.

This is a photo a day picture but I wanted to place over here. I like the look of all the background leaves and the small little flowers are orchids.
Have a great Saturday.  I will be shoveling snow again but I won't be taking any pictures. Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Cool looking gourds, Just like indian corn! Very colorful.

  2. Those gourds are spectacular. I wonder what they were. Enjoy your snow shovelling.... and the weekend.

  3. Interesting contrasts in both photos L.D.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Spring ~ Happy Gardening


  4. Great photos and a nice contrast of colors with those gourds. I hope you don't have to work too hard shoveling today.

  5. What a great blog! When were you in Riverton? I hope to get back there sometime this year. The Southwest Iowa landscapes are so beautiful in fall. Love your photography.

  6. I was a young very inexperience art teacher in Sidney, Iowa from 1972 to 1976. I got to learn about Neb. Cornhuskers, the Sidney Rodeo, and all of the area up and down the Missouri River. I have since put int 31 years at the Woodward-Granger Schools here in Woodward. I lived in the top floor of the old Victorian house next to the funeral home.

  7. those gourds are very colorful, the second photo is very textural..I like it..great composition:)
