Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More signs of spring.......

A first year planting of a hyacinth poking through the ground. It doesn't look like it will put out a tall stem but I will wait and see what happens.

I planted my Blaze climbing rose in a corner where I will install a trellis to hold it. I gave it more water today as it looked like really dry soil.

New England Bluebells have very nice foliage.  I am glad to see them coming up. Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. I've been admiring all the hycinths in bloom on my daily walks, I love the pink ones. I need to get some for next year!... :)

  2. Love seeing all the spring plants pushing themselves out of our frozen ground...there is hope~

  3. Larry, I can't believe you are this far along after seeing how you were buried in the snow.

  4. I have always wanted blue bells - I think they are so pretty.
    Here in GA today the high reached 77*!!!
