Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sculptural forms.....

They are figurines  actually of various waterfowl. My wife would buy one for me, some form of waterfowl, each year at Christmas.  I was putting away the toy soldiers and saw a few of these peeking out.

This one was made in Italy.  I really don't know the process, but I am assuming they are cast resin.  It is a solid piece while the resin swan was cast and done so it would be hollow inside.

This duck is twice the size of the other ones.  I like that it actually is standing on it's web feet. It was made in China.  I am not sure if this duck species really exists, but the hand painting has been done so well.  My macro didn't like the head of the duck so it almost doesn't register.  I was too lazy to go back and try it with an automatic setting.

My wife and I raked leaves and sticks today in the yard.  I had  done a pickup of the large sticks and limbs earlier last week, but today we were more serious about it.  I uncovered some flower beds along the house even though we could still get another snow.  It was over 80 degrees today so we didn't stay out too long. We have another warm day coming then the rain will set in for us.  Spent my morning framing pictures and a crochet.  I have many more to do.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. I love your swan and ducks. I thought I collected a lot of things but I think you have me beat!
    They are saying close to 80 degrees here for Saturday. I'll believe it when I see it!
    Sunny :)

  2. Very pretty figurines - a very thoughtful Christmas gift. I can't believe you were warmer than us today. Amazing!

  3. 80 degrees in Iowa today! Wow! We had a paultry 48 maximum, with wind and rain interrupting many activities outdoor. Happy Spring.

  4. I have been raking too and am SO SORE! ha
    But it is lovely being out in the warmth of the sun was 76 here today too...amazing!!!!

  5. Lovely birds - what a great idea for a collection.

    I can't quite imagine 80 degrees at this time of year. You seem to have great extremes of temperature.

  6. That's a lovely wildlife collection. I particularly like the Mom and two babies.
    I am quite jealous of your weather, we had snow again overnight and now it's back to rain. It could do with warming up a bit now.
