Monday, March 8, 2010

Showhouse at the Botanical Center......

This is the showhouse again, a side greenhouse, that had various ideas for gardeners to use in their gardens.  Of all the things that I don't miss from teaching, I truly miss working on the potters wheel. Thsi is a gorgeous piece but I don't think it is clay pottery.  I don't know the material that they used to cast it but it is more glass-like than clay pottery.

For the bloggers who follow me that are quilters, I saw this in one of their displays.  "Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?"  was the theme. The pears are fake ones hanging on the tree.  I have a wall hanging that my mom made with three rows of three on it.  I will photograph it sometime for you quilters to see.  It has good and bad memories, my mom would add flavor to life in her later years when she was sick and she said some funny things about the wall hanging. 
I will share that when I get it photographed.

I am a believer of integrity of design and would think adding fake things to a plant would be bad. But this thing really did look good and I would consider doing something like this to an outdoor tree next to the patio.  They had added these pears to give the appearance that they grew from the tree.  Some of them were sprayed with a light gold paint that made them look golden.  It really was a nice affect.
Got to go for now, I am blogging late, feeling droopy, and have some things to get done. Fog and rain all week will be our high light to our lives. Thanks for reading........


  1. Fake pears? Really! They've gone tooooooooo!

  2. That sure is a beautiful piece of pottery. The beautiful designs and high polish look almost like granite.
    I think you should have snuck a little fake partridge on the tree to go with the fake pears! He-he!
    Sunny :)

  3. The vase is exquisite! What a beautiful subtle water feature it would make! I attended a garden tour in Atlanta last year, where all of the attendees were "oohing" and "aahhing" over the apples on the espaliered trees....which were Christmas ornaments!

  4. You sure do well for a droopy blogger. ;) Love those faux pairs. :)

  5. I like the effect of the pears on the tree. I think it enhances its appearance. The pottery piece is really nice. I have always thought that working on a potter's wheel would be challenging but relaxing and a good way to relieve stress. Working with clay is appealing to me. It would be nice to be that creative.

  6. these are interesting adornments to a garden setting...I don't know about the spray painted pears, they look a bit tacky to me, though. LOL

  7. Beautiful color on that vase...I think some little old lady must have been in charge of the Pear Tree:)
