Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday's Scatterings.......

I have a few things that I am going to start inside.  I didn't know there was a difference in chives, ever, but I bought this pack of garlic chives to see how they will do.  I have chives that come up every year that survive the winter.  

The tomato pack was 50 cents at the Woodsmith Store.  They were wanting to clear the stock and they looked interesting. They are from the Decorah, Iowa Seedsavers Organization.  I guess selling commercially helps them to pay the bills.

I took a photo of the back in case anyone wanted to get online to order from them.  Ironically I haven't read the back of the pack before now and it looks like I have an interesting tomato.  I was not going to plant over one or two plants of regular sized tomatoes this year and these will be fun to see how these will do.  If I get a bunch started I will share with neighbors.

This is another photo of the tulip I posted earlier.  I now do remember that I use to get a catalog that sold specialized types of tulips, and one like this was called Angelique.  I will look it up on the net but if this isn't that one, it is one like it.  
And I found that this might be Renown Unique. It is similar to the Angelique but darker in color.  At Breck's you can buy 8 bulbs for 22 dollars.  I now know why I never ordered them.

Thanks for stopping by and viewing my scatterings......


  1. Some of those hybrid tulips ARE expensive! Make sure where you order them that they are guaranteed so if they don't work for you, they refund your money. But, hey, you deserve designer tulips, don't you? And won't they give you MORE than $22 worth of pleasure? :-}

  2. A warning about garlic chives. They will self sow PRODIGIOUSLY if you don't cut off the spent blooms!

    Love the fall picture of your house!

  3. One of my favourite things - seed packets from other countries. Your tomatoes sound delicious already. Do let us see how they go on.
