Monday, March 29, 2010

Signs of Spring.....

There is hope as the daffodils are ready to open.  Behind them are the starts of the surprise lilies.

An iris that is a leftover one as I had moved most of it out of this area.  The iris is a tough one as well as the creeping charlie.  A lot of my transplanted iris for my parent's home are peaking their leaves up. I will be anxious to see if they will bloom this year.

The  daffodils are doing well here also and there are a few tulips mixed in among them.  I won't take the leaves away just yet as we could get snow or even an ice storm yet before true spring arrives.


  1. Just to think, a short while ago we were posting pictures of snow and wishing for spring and now it's slowly arriving! Yeah!
    Sunny :)

  2. have green stuff!! Goody goody..I am excited for you!! Looking forward to more photos of spring..all I have is those darned Poison Ivy Berries:(

  3. They are indeed popping up !
    Soon they'll be swaying in the breeze, and hopefully the chances of snow will be long banished.
    Lovely ;)

  4. At last you've got rid of your snow. I was beginning to think that Spring would never come your way.

  5. Hi Iowan Friend,
    I didn't realize my daffodils bloomed first until you pointed it out to me on my garden blog. It must be a bit cooler in your area, than here. But, I look forward to seeing your daffodils when they are blooming. They are such lovely flowers.
