Sunday, March 28, 2010

A slow creative day......

Do you have any pictures like this.  It has seen a lot of hard times. I had never seen it before this year while digging through my mom's sewing room.  When she died, she left my wife and I a room full of more that just sewing.  It was a room where everything was stored, including her two sewing machines.  Her mind kept her from quilting her last 10 years.  She had made so many quilts, cabbage patch dolls, pillows, and wall hangings, but she had to give it up as the mind couldn't figure things out anymore.

The room that took three to four tries, was finally cleared after sorting out old quilts, quilt pieces, VHS tapes, plastic flowers, baskets, old clothes, sewing supplies, old photos, books, toys for the grandchildren, books from an old country school house, and a closet full of handmade clothes of her past.

Important things were also found, documents that I needed to handle the estate, and of course pictures.
My mom's dad was not in very many photographs and when he was in them, my mom would write Dad above them so the rest of us would know which one he was.  In the photo above they are bringing in a crop for thrashing.  When you click on the photo you can better appreciate all that is in the photo. There five or more men looking at the camera in the background.  I do not know the other guys in the photo but my grandpa was named Leroy Martin Brown, who died in 1937.  Thanks for stopping in......


  1. Isn't it wonderful to find such precious treasures? My Grandmother used to write everyone's name over their head, it messed up the picture but we knew who everyone was! LOL
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Sunny :)

  2. It really is a great photo. I wonder if it can be restored. There is a lot of history in it. I had to clean out many similar things when my mother died also. It was a difficult chore - so many things and so many memories to deal with. Some of it was junk, but I still felt guilty destroying those old things that she treasured.

  3. This could be a scene from Scotland at the same period, Larry, except for the hats. They're very unScottish!
    It was good that your Mum had the foresight to identify family members in photos. Otherwise we loose all that precious sense of family continuity.

  4. What a great discovery! I"m sure it made digging through all the plastic flowers work the effort!

  5. Larry, you painted quit a picture of your mother's room! I could almost see and feel her presence in the room. I do believe that is a very important picture because of the feel of that time period it captures. The men remind me of cowboys in front of their camp house and the wagon reminds me of a farm. Very nice picture. Maybe you could use it to do a painting!

  6. I LOVE looking at those old photos of farms! She left you treasures!

  7. Wow, what a neat old picture! I'm glad you were able to find it. It sounds like you Mom had lots of interesting treasures in her sewing room.
