Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snow and dirt.... snirt

I have just a few piles left of the snow from the winter.  The big piles that the city creates when they clear the streets take quite a while to melt. We hit 60 degrees back in November and supposedly we will hit 64 today for the first time since then.  We of course have a snow fall forecast coming by Friday noon and they refuse to tell what is to happen on Wednesday. 

I took a lot of photos yesterday of bulb plants coming up but they were taken in a hurry and were blurry, you have to take my word on that.  As you can see here the Sedum is about to come up.  Our grass is still fairly brown but we have a few spots of green. I know that it is spring because I see my neighbor has already cut down one of his wonderful large burning bushes as he continues to remove all shrubs from a once very beautifully planted property.  I have many sticks and limbs to now pick up from the two ice storms.  Maybe I should wait until after next Wednesday to see what is going to happen.

We did make it to the Des Moines Art Center yesterday and I will share more about that another day. The place was designed by three famous architects at it's different stages of development.  
Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. I love the way that whatever continent we are on, as long as we share the same hemisphere, spring seems to come in at exactly the same time. Your pictures could have been taken this week here in West Yorkshire.

  2. The cold snap and snow is supposed to happen here too I am afraid it will damage my magnolia tree blooms again this year. At least if it snows this weekend, it should not linger on the ground for long.

  3. Same here! But we are SURE to get more snow yet in March and maybe even in April!
    Did you see my post today? Crocuses are in bloom here.

    How sad about your neighbor not appreciating the plants and shrubs there. I just don't get folks like that.

  4. new favorite word!
    Sunny :)

  5. Glad to hear that Spring is beginning to appear. But what is your neighbour doing? How sad.
