Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday's findings......

While digging through the files I could not find anything that will make a theme.  Oh well, you are getting use to my rambling and wandering around with my thoughts and visuals, like a guy out of control. 
This is a mural that was painted to show how Iowa was originally a prairie.  The trees originally were few on this land and the tall grasses were prevalent with buffalo roaming. Below the mural are these model specimens of all of the wild flowers that can be found in an Iowan natural prairie.  There are many orchids included in the collection.

Antique pitcher or small tea pot. 

I bought this at an antique store twenty years ago. It is from the Yugoslavia area as it  is marked Solvia on the bottom of it.  It has an interesting glaze of iridescence. The black glaze is a flat glaze.  I always thought it to be a cream pitcher because of it's size but it having a lid always puzzled me. 

My final finding was an amaryllis that was blooming at the greenhouse at the Botanical Center.  I have seen these on sale but I have never owned one.

I worked a while yesterday afternoon picking up sticks in my yard.  I started with the large ones thinking I would return another day, but then I skimmed up the medium sized ones too.  I will return with a rake after our last few winter spurts that are yet to erupt.  I have seen a lot of starts of plants coming up. I moved peony bushes from my parents home, and they did make it, and I also brought up some purple Iris that looks like that will make it too.  I didn't loose a rose over the winter, so I am very happy about that. 

I am weary and didn't think I would getting any blogging done, but I am glad I could check in and share. Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Liked all three of these "subjects" and photos!

  2. I'm laughing over the title of your last post, snirt! LOL!

    Iowa husbands ancestors settled too soon....they had to clear our farm of trees before they could farm. Had they just gone a little farther (to Iowa) they could have saved themselves the trouble.

  3. The mural with the plants is really interesting. I'm always amazed at how many places orchids grow as natives.
    Glad your peonies and iris made it, I remember you mentioning moving them into your yard.

  4. Hi Larry, You are seeing some signs of spring! The Iowa Prairie is beautiful..I love the idea that they have showcased all the flowers that could grow there. Have you ever been to the Reiman Gardens? I wonder if it would be worth a trip? I have never tried an amaryllis either..that one was very pretty:)

  5. There is nothing I like better than ramblings and wanderings. It is what blogs are for.

  6. I too like the mural and the way the specimen plants are displayed underneath. I'm sure it would be interesting to view it up close. The amaryllis my neighbour gave me at Christmas is the same colouring as the one in your photograph. It's supposed to be a single - but now that the flowers are finished I see another shoot growing from the bulb. Not sure what to do with it now.

  7. loved all three pictures - that mural and the models are both really cool. I'm glad your peonies and rose made it through - you know i'm into old plant restoration just like we're into old house restoration.

  8. I would love to see Iowa sometime. I have a friend who lives there. Living here in the mountains and the rainforest, I think it would be wonderful to see a real prairie, where buffaloes used to roam. That's a lovely mural.

  9. Fascinating about the Iowa landscape, Larry.

    I think the winter has really tired us out this year. Take is slowly - we need sun on our faces to start building up some strength again.
