Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A strong vertical statement.......

I like how these trees are growing at the Botanical Center.  It reminds me of the kind you might find in a  swampy forest.  I do not know it's variety name.

The roots remind me of the swamp trees that you see at large jungle zoos.   It is a strong vertical statement.  I am sure you couldn't see the forest with these trees in front of you.

Kilroy was here!  I don't know how kids or adults can carve into trees while inside a large garden center without feeling a little bit concerned about getting caught.  It isn't like they are in a bathroom stall with the door closed. Anyway this is the base of these trees on the back side where no one is watching.


  1. Loooks like the ones in florida. Mangroves? Or cyprus. I forget what they are called.

  2. Are those banyan trees? They look magnificent.

  3. Interesting post of the trees, but, I agree with you, why would they carve into the trees? I guess that was the memory they wanted to have of their visit to the garden.

  4. In 250 years those carvings will look romantic and historic. Mind you, the trees will be lucky to last that long. I love the vertical lines.

  5. What a shame that they have to deface even nature while in a place that honors it...that makes me really mad and sad...

  6. Great vertical lines, well the damage has been done..there is no reversal.. I would have planted some poison ivy back there, but then I am an evil old lady:)
