Sunday, March 14, 2010

We are melting!!!!!!!

As you can see the Arctic air is gone and the penguins are walking back north.  I have seepage in my south basement wall that is creating a small river. It runs north actually to the drain and I am ok with it. Not happy about it, but it at least isn't two inches of water, which I have had with a six inch rain in the past. 
I saw sprouting sedum plants coming up. They are the first to come up and the last to die.  I think there is hope. 
I still have a two foot snow drift on my one end of my sidewalk. The city dumped snow from the alley. It will take a few more days to get rid of it.  Thankfully we do not live next to the rivers that are already out of their banks in Iowa.  Thanks for stopping buy on your Sunday off........


  1. I like your little penguin march. We have had ice, snow and freezing temps. A couple of days ago it we had a tease of spring, hope it returns soon!
    Sunny :)

  2. Hurray ~ the snow is leaving you and you'll soon be able to be outdoors enjoying the earth, flowers, foliage, etc.

    Happy Spring and Happy Gardening


  3. I'm hoping we have seen the last of the snow too. Looking forward to warmer days and some sunshine.

  4. Perhaps you've made it through another northern winter? I'm originally from New England, where the melting in March is only a that true in your part of the world, as well?

  5. Water water....our news is full of the Red River dilemma-- thankfully we are hours away from its' trouble. Enjoy your pictures...

  6. Yes, you all, I will post a picture of me on my birthday, which is in a couple of weeks, and it will show me in a large snow drift. March can be wacky in Iowa and we could refreeze and snow again. I am just being optimistic and hoping that this is it. My neighbor cleaned all of her sticks off of here yard as if it is spring.

  7. Almost all the snow is gone here as well! Can't wait for spring!

  8. Our snow is melting like crazy too...but we have a tradition in the U.P. and that is that we usually get a "St. Patrick's Day storm" within a week of that date either we are all here, waiting for the other shoe to drop. In the meantime, I am loving these 50+ degree days full of sun!

  9. We are fortunate too that we haven't had to deal with the floods that so many others are experiencing. It is good to see the green return. This winter has seemed endless. Happy Birthday in advance.

  10. So glad to hear your snow is melting. I hope you don't get any more water in your basement. Hopefully you'll be seeing more and more signs of spring there.

  11. Hi Larry, The snow is melting here too..water is in all the ditches. Please come to my blog on the 16th for St Urho's Day!!:)

  12. I hope you will soon be able to post spring time photos. Already it's very hot here.
