Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A winter frolic......

My wife and I went through the a magic door today to find an escape from Iowa.  The magic dome is the Des Moines Botanical center.  The rainbow is actually a sculpture you can walk through while going into the transition of change.

Once inside, you can look out the windows and see this. It is downtown Des Moines and a couple of sculptures in the foreground.  I notice there is still snow on the ground even though we got up to 37 degrees F.  today.

As you twirl around from the window view, this is what you see.  The dense jungles of South America or deepest Africa.  No, it is just is a bunch of tropical plants that really enjoy the dome.

The joy of this place is the blooming of many shrubs, flowers, and beautiful tropical foliage of many plants.  There is even a banana tree in there.

As the days go by, I will be sharing orchids, fish, foliage, amaryllis and tropical trees.  It will be a great adventure of our little domed greenhouse in the middle of the snow. 


  1. Who knew that snow covered Iowa possessed such loveliness?

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. I enjoy botanical gardens, and yours looks particularly interesting. Looking forward to seeing more of the items on your list to share.

  3. Such a wonderful place to visit - especially during winter when a peek at green is so welcome.

  4. A perfect place to get away from the winter doldrums..thanks for sharing it with us!

  5. Do they take in boarders? I could use some of it's warmth and tropical feel for a few days. I am looking forward to more of these photos:)

  6. Hello Larry, I haven't been able to visit for a few days because of illness, and when I return I find you've gone tropical. What a blissful escape for you from all that endless snow.
