Thursday, March 4, 2010

The showhouse.....


While at the Des Moines Botanical Center, we were directed to not miss seeing the showhouse. I wasn't sure what it would be, but we did check it out. It was a side greenhouse that had been filled with arbors of  rough logs and many varieties of plants in pots.  I am sure some of the plants are from their specialty show gardens that they have inside the dome through out the year.  The lavender chair is large. My wife took a picture of me sitting in it because I am nice guy. I am not sharing it. I liked the green plant stands that you see on the sides of the alley.

 One side of the greenhouse was filled with these foliage.  Some of them were spectacular with color.  I assume you could buy seed from specialty catalogs to get them as they are not in the regular plant market.


There were a lot of varieties that I had never seen before but I am sure my tropical friends can identify them. 

Foliages can grow well in Iowa, but they need a lot of attention to keep them in the partial shade or full shade. This one was a beautiful example of the extraordinary things that had in the greenhouse. I have many more pictures to share. Thanks for reading....


  1. Beautiful photos Larry. I love those green plant stands also. Thanks for sharing you and your wife's visit with us - what a fun way to spend the day!

  2. how beautiful! Loved that huge reminds me of Lily Tomlin when she was Edith you remember that comedy routine?

  3. Oh how gorgeous ! I love these garden shows, they really do 'outdo" themselves even down to the hardscape.
    That purple chair is so cute, it reminds me of your blue garden gate, stands out to all the world.
    What a wonderful day, and I thank you for sharing.

  4. Looks almost like flowering Kale! Only Brighter! We have a similar place in Michigan called the Fredrick Meyer Garden. Every spring they have a bunch of tropical butterflies they release in the garden to WOW visitors. It's pretty cool.

  5. Lovely plants; I hope they grow well in your neck of the woods.

  6. I think you should show us the picture of you in the chair :) (just kidding). It sure is pretty in there, how nice to see so many plants like that during the winter. I love the hanging yellow and orange flowers!

  7. Love that purple chair! It really sticks out. The one bunch of plants in your second photo are all different varieties of Coleus..the last photo is also coleus..that one I believe is called Kong Mosaic .. you can find it at your local garden center. The yellow and orange flowering plant I have never seen is very pretty:)
