Monday, April 12, 2010

Dwelling on the past......

and all of the things to do with my family history is dragging me down. I am putting away a lot of it and I am going outside.
Spring is going strong, but it is a spotty batch of color. My blogs may look like I have a wonder garden, but it is not even a 5 compared to a lot of gardens out there. I really like to see how many bulbs can be planted on the property, but this year the daffodils in various places didn't put on buds nor will they now. It is a mystery.

Perfection comes in many shapes and colors. This dandelion is really a perfect symmetrical flower.  I don't have a lot of them anymore, but when it is tough enough to come up in a crack of my sidewalk, I will honor it.

Tulips have such perfect symmetry in their own way as their shape stays so uniform and the color is so rich.

I snapped this one at my neighbor's while filling and rehanging her bird feeder. Thank you macro for making me look good, as the wind is blowing this all around and you snap until you get a good one.

While I don't own this one, I did plant it for my neighbor in her garden. She bought some and shared with me and I did the same.  I helped her resurrect her garden last year and last fall we planted it with things to look forward to in the spring.

I am going to turn into a gardening blog again for awhile as time goes on as I like to show all that I have that blooms.  I will share some new stuff soon, as I found some country school books and old children books that will be fun to post.  My trusty dog is holding down the chair next to me, making sure I get my late blog done for the day.  I have accomplished the task for the slave driver poodle.

Thanks for stopping by...........stay young and beeeee happy!!!


  1. Such lovely photos Larry. Spring is such a glorious time to enjoy being outdoors and sharing blooms through the blog is very uplifting. Can't wait to see more and the books sound interesting too.

  2. The blooms and colors are very pretty. Even the dandelion looks nice in macro.

  3. Love looking at all these gorgeous photos of these wonderful flowers...glad to hear you are heading outside again for your shots...I love the nature ones best!

  4. It must be nice to have spring finally arriving there in the north!

  5. The colors are amazing! I just had a whiff of fragrant blossoms while looking at your photos : )

  6. I just love dandelions! I kow that there are lawn care folks who loath them, but they just remind me of great times. By the way! Ddi you knwo that you can eat them in the early spring...BEFORE they bloom, they tastepretty good before they get all that bitter sap in the leves. Mom used to make us dandelion green potatoe salad every spring and I used to eat it till I was about to burst.
