Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Stuff......

Our Iowa rose is a wild rose that I have seen growing in Minnesota and it probably grows throughout the midwest.  All winter it's stems were so red, just like a redtwig dogwood.  So now as the weather warms up, it is turning green and orange as it starts to leaf out for the summer.

I had a clump of flag iris that did not bloom last year, so I moved some of it out into an area where it could get more light.  While watching a garden show a few weeks ago, they were showing how it gets too large as a clump and it will die out in the middle. They said to thin it every three years.  I was glad I move it and now am anxious to see how the new clump will do with a little more sunlight.

Oh, is my house becoming a junkyard or what! I brought these last few things from home yesterday.  The corner knick knack is old but I don't like to put them in corners.  I may just send it to the basement.
The glass dish was something my mom used for jelly or for cranberry sauce.  I didn't know it was so old but I did see it in an antique catalog recently.  My mom has had it since the 50's so it is over 50 to 60 years old.
Another cup and saucer, there are no more down there, and one lone, handleless cup. It must be a tea cup but where would it have come from that my mom would have it.  Maybe flowers came in it now that I think about it.

I don't know the history of this copper tea kettle but it is a very nice one.  The  ceramic handle and knob are nicely decorated.  I looked for copper cleaner today but couldn't find any at the store. I don't know what would be used to make a homemade cleaner but maybe someone out there knows.  It is pretty grungy with grime, etc.
I told people that I have brought everything home from my parents but I was wrong. I know of one more afghan, the first one my mom made from a kit, and there are two quilts. They are common, everyday things that are so heavy that it will take washing one at a time in the washing machine.  My grandmother must have made them as they are tied with crochet strings.  They aren't pretty but they are very old.
Well, enough on the junk report for today.  I am starting to look like those people who hoard things, but one can still wall through the house.  I want to find a cupboard, antique one, that I can put a lot of these things in, just like I have a special cupboard just for the antique toys.  I see some up town at the antique and flower shop but the prices are very high.  I will work at finding something along the way.

Everyone have a great, restful Sunday.  Thanks for putting up with my ramblings..........


  1. Good morning L.D. ~ I love that little corner cabinet. It would be neat to have all of the old pieces that are part of your family's history in a nice old cupboard. Who knows, maybe you'll find one that someone has dumped by the side of the road somewhere. :-)

    What color are the roses on your shrub? I look forward to seeing the blooms on this and your flag iris.

    Have a great relaxing Sunday.


  2. Cut a lemon in half, dip the cut side in salt and scrub your kettle with that. Not as good as storebought copper cleaner but not bad.

  3. Love that copper tea kettle. Lemon halves dipped in salt and a good rubbing should bring the shine back to it.

  4. Here is another home remedy for your copper!
    Mix one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon flour and enough vinegar to make a thick paste. Rub paste on surface and let dry completely. Rinse in warm soapy water, buff with clean soft cloth.

    The copper teapot is lovely. I like the blue accents. Iris are such a pain..they do best when divided I bet these will put on quite a show for you this year!:)

  5. I meant to tell you my Wild Roses are now four instead of one..and all very red twigged too..I dug them out for years.. when I finally just let them go..they have been a real source of enjoyment for me:)
