Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday's findings...........

 This is my view from the patio looking toward my old fish pond. The field lilies are taking off, in the foreground.  I moved that red brick right after I took the photo.

This is the view of my chokecherry tree and the row of peonies that are covering up the row of tulips now.

Tulip row as seen on the other side of the peony bushes.

I missed show and tell of the butterfly that  my mom had made later in her years. I remember her doing this, one pink and one blue.  I have not found the pink one but maybe it has already been brought home among other things.
I have a busy day ahead of me for a Friday but I hope to get all the frame jobs done and get the orchard mowed.  It is supose to rain for the next two days, so I will have to hurry to get the mowing done.
Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. gorgeous yard and flowers! I made it to Florida from Michigan....we are here now awaiting the birth of a new grandchild!

  2. You sound very busy over there Larry. But the garden is looking lovely. When you get chance I demand that you give us a good detailed tour around it (complete with plan please). I feel as though I know your garden from reading your posts - I just want to get everything in its right place.

  3. L.D. ~ I love your yard filled with lovely blooming plants. It looks very restful, somewhere where you just want to sit and contemplate life, and take in the beauty that surrounds you.

    That is a lovely crocheted butterfly. I've not seen that pattern before, I'd love to have the pattern/instructions.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. How lovely your yard is Larry! The peonies are really growing fast. Your Mom's butterfly is so delicate and pretty; thanks for sharing it with us. Hope the rain holds off until you get your mowing done. enjoy the weekend.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful garden, Larry. That's a good idea of Alans... a virtual tour would be great.

  6. A beautiful garden you have there Larry !
    Your mum's butterfly is so sweet, lots of hard work went into it's gossimer wings.

  7. Your garden looks like it will be most productive. I like your garden gate as seen on your sidebar.

  8. Things are looking good there..and I really liked that butterfly..your Mom was very talented:)
