Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday's tidbits.......

I planted a chokecherry tree in my yard five years ago.  I didn't quite know what to expect but I remember seeing them growing in our timber on the farm when I was young.  It really is a beautiful tree. The blossoms actually have a great smell almost as good as lilacs.  The birds tend to get all of the chokecherry berries eaten before they get too mature.

I kept putting off bringing these things home, but I did today.  I don't need a craft collection but I won't throw them away either. The boys will have to toss them or maybe their wives will appreciate them.  I believe my mom created all of these. The one on the right is cloth appliqued to the towel. My mom loved to crochet. When in doubt, she would crochet around the edges of about everything.

This was a dresser scarf or cloth.  It would fit the top of a large dresser.  It is an interesting white on white design.  I do remember this but I don't think it was out on a dresser for long once they moved to town.

This was the very first afghan that my mom ever crocheted. She bought it as a kit at the same time as her sister in law bought one and they learned together how to make them.  My aunt Mary's was the exact same pattern but her colors were all repeating pastel colors.  If you would have known my mom these were her colors for everything. The afghan spent it's years, many years, on the back of my parents couch for decoration.

I mowed my parents yard yesterday and on the way home we stopped at Best Buy to buy a computer monitor to attach to my laptop.  My old laptop screen crashed  and all I could see was this very grayed visual.  I could not see the cursor so it was a sad situation.  I have repaired tech problems at school a lot of times but I didn't have a clue what was wrong.  So my wife and I spent over an hour trying to get this very nice monitor, Acer, to open up a visual from my laptop.

Finally I got it to open up a window so I could see the computer laptop screen on the monitor but it was all redish.  I messed with it for quite a while longer and then I thought, check the resolution settings.  You can make your screen have a very high resolution if you tell it to. It makes the pictures clearer.  While messing with the settings while viewing it on my new hundred dollar screen trying to get my laptop in view, I changed the resolution settings and kapow, my laptop started working again.  Smiles!!!  Happy, happy day!!!

Apparently I had been greedy years ago and had it set to a very high resolution, and the computer decided it was taking too much memory.  The screen was doing battle trying to come up but not enough power to work.  I lowered the resolution and my old laptop is just humming along now. Anyway, I am happy and I will return the screen.  When we bought it the sales person, a very nice young man,  told me to carefully unpack as it might not work.  He was right  as it wouldn't ever had worked. I could have seen everything in red to  rose colored glasses.

At school, I would have to attach computers with bad screens to a projecting device and we could get to all of the commands on the computer because the actual screen would project out.  It would give us a chance to burn all their files to a disc or transfer things to another computer before shipping it off for repair.  I guess I had forgotten that but am now very happy I went exploring with the borrowed screen.

We had a gentle rain yesterday afternoon and it is nice to greener grass.  Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Your mothers linens are quite the treasure! Maybe your boys will become more sentimental as they get older.

  2. My mom's things need to be washed and I will probably hand wash them. She turned to quilting so all of this went to the wayside.

  3. I love seeing your Mother's needlework and crochet. Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures.

  4. It's good that you kept your mother's linens, even if you don't use them. It would be hard to part with them or give them to someone who wouldn't appreciate their sentimental value.

  5. Ah, I remember my Mom used to embroider pillow cases. They used to be everywhere but over the decades they've all been lost to wear and tear. Treasure yours...

  6. Your Mother did beautiful handwork..crocheting around everything was a real art..such a tiny crochet hook and fine thread was used, only the best crocheters did it with success. You may have to put these away in a "hope chest" for one of your grands someday! They are real treasures:)

  7. What wonderful treasures. Your Mom did beautiful crochet work. The runner with the water lily is exquisite.
    Happy to hear that your monitor is working ok!
    Sunny :)

  8. Sometimes you just have to clean off your comp with all those pics. Write them to a disk and free up that memory!
