Friday, April 9, 2010

Looking up........

I was out of pictures to post so I went outside to see what was available.  I looked down and saw the Asiatic lilies are popping up between the sedum and the one yucca plant.  I have taken so many daffodil pictures that I didn't want to share them again for awhile, so I looked up.

My birch from Minnesota is doing well and you can just see a hint of buds on the branches.  It is a cold day with a warm sunshine and clear sky.

My very old Silver Maple continues to hang in there through all of these years. It a home to three squirrels and a lot of birds.

My clump birch tree has the most interesting bark textures.  I really enjoy this tree with all of it's colors and winding branches.
Content revision:
Far Side mentioned that she thought this was a River Birch, and she is right.  I looked it up on the net and there are clump birch, white smoother  bark, and clump river birch, that have this textured bark. When you buy cheap trees at the end of the year you sometimes don't get the tag.

This is my chokecherry tree.  The birds usually eat off any form of berries early in the season so I have never harvested berries from it.  The tree is the first one to have so many leaves showing.  Everything else including the lilac bushes are still in budding stages.

Here is one more look down that I will have to share. The sun is lower in the sky and they appear illuminated against the dark green background.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Larry, Your sky today was awesome! I love the bark on that birch tree too. Are those the Autumn Joy sedums? Those Asiatic lilies will be pretty blooming up above the sedums. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  2. Larry, like you I am been driven out to take photographs again after a strange hiatus which followed far too many winter snow shots.

  3. The shape and arrangement of leaves make these plants(first photo)attractive. I like the lighting in the bottom photo.It makes the flowers more beautiful!

  4. It's amazing how fast your garden is catching up. My lilies are at about the same place as yours. That blue sky looks so pretty behind the trees.

  5. This Ozarks farm chick has a yucca plant out at the edge of my drive. Someone has been purposely running over it all winter, then last Easter mornin' someone drug a tire out of the creek and planted it right on top of my yucca plant. I have an acre of yard here smack in the middle of the Ponderosa and for the life of me can't figure out what anyone has against my yucca plant!!!!

    God bless ya'll from the sunny hills and hollers Missouri!!!

  6. I've never seen a clump birch before - didn't know they existed in fact. Nor chokecherry. A day of discoveries thanks to your blog!

  7. I just wanted to thank ya'll for popin' over with your sweet comment. Please come visit often, the door of the Ponderosa is always open.

    God bless and enjoy this beautiful weekend!!!

  8. I am wondering if the clump birch you have is really a River Birch..if so it is a good thing..they don't get that horrible Bronze Birch Borer bug that kills birch.
    Your gardens and trees are really coming alive!! :)

  9. Far Side is correct. I had to look it up to see what she was talking about but the lady in the woods knows her stuff. It is a River Clump Birch.
