Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dallas County Courthouse and more........

County Courthouse Photos by Calvin Beale     Dallas County Courthouse built in 1903

I found this photo on the internet of our county courthouse in Adel, Iowa.  It was snapped from my computer screen so you have some textures added.  I really didn't realize it looked so much like a  castle.  It had to be shut down for a couple of years and the offices were all moved elsewhere as the Court room floor was starting to  fall in to the floor below.

My clock probably isn't as big as Big Ben but my clock is a good size.  This book which was published in England, is a book of photos that were taken day and night for 7 straight days. The guy on the front cover of the book is cleaning the clock from the inside of the tower. If I buy the book from Amazon for a few bucks I could find out the photographers name of this picture. I see the book is actually on sell for one cent.  Shipping must be high to make any profit off of the purchase.

We traveled to a nearby town to make a down payment on our taxes yesterday and when we returned I noticed the snow was deep enough to keep the dianthus from being killed from the cold. They are blooming bashfully while they wait for some warm weather.

These are some cheap bulbs I bought years ago and they keep coming back.  They are going to be more red as the develop.

The phlox is coming back strong.  I found a lot of plants that are poking through for spring.  The green is so  wonderful to see.   Thanks for stopping in for a visit..........


  1. That's a beautiful courthouse. It's also fun to see all that's coming up in your yard. I am beginning to find something new every day now. I love Spring!

  2. Speaking of court houses, Jack and I drove by a similar one sunday in Rush County. If you look under the clock you will see a row of windows indicating a room in the tower. I'm just wondering what the initial purpose of that room was?

  3. We have snow in our forecast for tomorrow. Sigh.

  4. An amazingly ornate courthouse. I would hope it lifts the spirits of those about to enter.

    Spring with you too, I'm glad to see. Those tulips are lovely.

  5. Looks like your tulips are almost there, Larry!

    I spent a winter in Iowa City, back in '69/'70 and know how very welcome Spring is up yonder!

  6. That courthouse does look like a castle. Those tulips are going to be really pretty! :)
