Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Shots........

This taken from the northeast corner of my property. The birch is branching out and the goutweed is doing well.  My redbud tree is coming out and you can see the slice of my blue gate in the background.

I bought this with a redbud label but I am not sure why it does not look like everyone else's trees in town. Mine is very pink even though it is putting out buds in the same way and also the limbs are of the right form for a redbud tree.

I have a terra cotta sauce that sits among a hosta and a sedum. It has dirt in it but I could never get anything to grow in it.  The round rock is a North Shore variety and the white quartz rock is from Iowa. I noticed this year that the wild violet decided to plant their own kind inside of the saucer.  It looks great so it stays.

One summer when I worked at a grocery store chain, selling out of there greenhouse,  and I learned the name of this tree.  It blooms early and then gets red berries on it later on.  It has been slow growing and I thought at first that it was a shrub.  But it is tree and I must have picked it up at a late fall sale a few years back. I must keep better track of the tags or get a brain that remembers the name of it.

As you can see, I am back.  I am working off of a new screen and a portable keyboard.  I am having a hard time to getting use to the tall keys.  My laptop keys were flat and I had used that for over eight years.......I didn't have to buy a new computer, but found a screen to attach to my laptop that will give me true color.  I can now view your posts and enjoy your photos.   Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. Your yard is beautiful Larry. Lovely to see the Spring colors! I'm happy you were able to find a solution to your computer problems. Isn't it funny how you get accustomed to a keyboard and a new one seems so foreign? Hope you enjoy the week.

  2. Glad to hear you got your computer glitch fixed! Your Redbud looks good to me, it might be a slightly different variety. That little violet will fill out your saucer! :)

  3. Good to hear about your new screen. Now, stop showing off all these pretty sights. We are jealous.

  4. Glad you are back and glad I am able to continue my tour of your garden.

  5. Looks like everything is coming into bloom around your place Larry !
    Looks like a Redbud to me, although maybe a different variety, it's a beaut.
    Love the terra cotta pot, oftentimes when plants re-seed themselves they turn out to be the most prolific, so I'd leave it be, just as you have planned.
    Glad your computer's put back together, and enjoy the upgrades !

  6. Lovely bloomers in your gardens L.D. What a wonderful space to move about in now that spring has sprung. Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  7. Your Redbud is beautiful. It seems funny to see yours just blooming out. Here in Texas, the blooms have been long gone off my Redbud Tree which is now covered in leaves and seedpods. Lots of seed pods. Seeing yours allows me to enjoy the Redbud blooms for a much longer stretch of time. I also love the little violet in the saucer and the 'untitled' flowering tree. I don't know it either, but it surely is gorgeous.
