Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wednesday's wanderings......

The apple tree is really putting out the blossoms.  I have another one that is doing well also but the third tree by the garden shed has about six blossoms on the whole tree. I don't understand that one, but plant to prune it way back anyway.  I don't know if my neighbor sprayed something to take way the blooms, it is really a mystery.

The pear tree is also putting out more blooms than it normal.  We have bumble bees out there but I am not seeing any honey bees as of yet.

I have rhubarb ready to be used.  In fact I have a large seed head already set on the one plant.

I have just noticed that blogspot is changing the way we download photos.  They have put all of my past photos into a Picasa folder for each of my blogs and they aren't allowing me to download anywhere but from out of Picasa.  I find that very much not an improvement as it causes me to leave my blog and open up Picasa.  I hope this is a temporary glitch as I really didn't need to add an extra step to my blog master work.

Working on the house again today, putting in Wainscoting, molding, and new floor tile in the bathroom. I sure hope the old truck gets us there without problems.  It is suppose to rain on Thursday but today is going to be a warm day.  Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Rhubarb already? That's amazing. How about a nice strawberry-rhubarb pie? Yummy!
    You are way ahead of us in the blooming department, although things are moving along nicely in the valley. I guess we are late bloomers here on the mountain! Ha-ha!
    Sunny :)

  2. That certainly is a mystery about the one apple tree. A few years ago we bought 2 quince bushes and planted one on each side of the driveway. One is always just full of blooms, the other has just a few. I don't know if the soil is different or perhaps the sun hits the two areas differently.
    I have never tasted rhubarb but my husband remembers his grandma making strawberry rhubarb cobbler when he was a young lad.

  3. Rhubarb Pie!! Or cobbler, or cake, it is all good! I have no idea why the two trees are blooming differently..could the one be more stressed?? Sometimes the when and why of plants is hard to figure out. I hope you got the blogger situation figured out:)

  4. I picked up some rhubarb yesterday at my brothers house. I'm making a cake today.
