Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, show and tell time........

I was working at the dining room table and looked up and there among the roses was laying a downed soldier.  He didn't make it back into the box.  It is a different company that made this one as it is made out of plastic, the helmet on this guy is a WW 1 helmet. I don't know if I will ever understand that one as plastic was not being made then or at least not during the wars because it used oil.

I brought home a sports bag from Osceola that was stuffed full of crocheted things and embroidered things. Lot of odds and ends also and at the bottom of it, my friends who had been down to help us one day, must have stuck this into the bag.  It is an ivory handled button hook for the leather shoes that they use to have to fasten all those buttons on them.  I am sure it came from the house that my dad demolished in order to build the house.

The Woodsmith store in Des Moines, is a high end lumber yard with lots of saws and other woodworking  things.  In the summer they set up a nursery for about four months.  They have very good quality products and  I buy special things there once in a while.

Today I replaced a variegated leafed iris that I lost to rot a few years ago. Mine had a light lavender blue flower on it. I mentioned that to the salesperson and she thought the purple iris could be misleading marketing as it looks like that iris has been stuck in there in front of the foliage. It doesn't matter. It is one of my new plants to go in the garden outside of the dining room window and the foliage is one of the main reasons for me to buy it.

I was going to save this for my  "photo a day" post but I will go ahead and show it, as it is the best one to show the leaves of this plant. We were suppose to have frost in low areas last night but we don't get that cold in town, so I will plant this very soon, today!  It will survive our weather now. It is well developed in the pot and I think it should actually bloom because of how mature that it is.

I will finish with one more tulip photo. I like how the complementary colors on this are so striking.  Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Interesting variegated leaves. What beautiful patterns they make. I hope the iris is just as beautiful.

  2. The tulip is gorgeous. Such a lovely color.

  3. Your posts are always full of interesting 'stuff'. I love the old soldier and button hook.
    The delicate color of the tulip is really pretty.
    Sunny :)

  4. I like Sunny, always enjoy your posts. I learned something again today, how they buttoned all those shoes many years ago. I like the pictures of all your flowers, in this post and the ones of yesterday.

  5. That toy war soldier looks interesting. I too have some of the toys like this but now I think they are all on the dust bin! I like the tulip photo too!

  6. That's quite a range for your show and tell today, Larry! I wonder if the people who made the button hooks thought that one day they'd be curiosity pieces?

  7. Cool button hook..
    I am sure you will like that variegated Iris..Monrovia is a high end plant company..they have great stuff! :)
