Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday's wanderings.

I have these very richly colored tulips that the camera just doesn't like to focus on.  I read that digital's actully read color like a heat sensor would and I have found that red and orange for me are not easy to take. I have some distant pictures of these I will show later when you can see how deep the color of these really is.

I have seen a lot of bumble bee's this year and it is a very buggy year too as I find bugs showing up in alot of my flower photos.

A new purchase for me.  They are a quick buy when you don't feel like shelling out a lot of bucks for a great plant.

I am going to plant these soon as I tend to plant glads too late in the season.  They can be planted throughout the spring, but it is nice to get them up and blooming before our summer heat really kicks in and dries out everything.

Here are a set of fancy shaped tulips. They close up at night then reopen in the morning. Can you spot the  wasp the seems to like the flower too?

I mowed a few sections of my yard today. I couldn't see where I had mowed in some areas so I just didn't mow there.  It is 71 degrees today and we are having a nice spring. I have a lot of cleanup yet to do from the winter weather.  I framed prints this am of paintings of deer and ducks and still have a lot of things to do with the frame business.

We will start cooking meat on the grill as the weather is so great for that. Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Gladiolus are some of my favorite perennials.
    We picked up some Hollyhock bulbs this weekend, I hope to plant them this week, since the weather is in it's tolerable stage for the South right now.
    Tulips are beautiful!

  2. Can tell it is warmer there -- more flowers up and beautiful than in Minnesota!

  3. That is another cool fancy tulip..they close at night..I did not know that..learn something new everyday! I notice you have the famous little yellow flower the last photo..I saw my first one yesterday in our yard:)
