Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday's tattle........

I posted these earlier as an unusual form of tulip.

This is what they looked like when they partially opened. They are a short tulip but they are really pretty flowers.

 I have four of them here for you to see as they are very showy.

My stick pile is large but I think I have most all of the storms handywork cleaned up as I have started mowing.

Our memorial sculpture for our manx cat, Nala, is a little faded from our winter weather.  It will be fun to repaint her this fall.  Unfortunately, we didn't have Nala for very long, as she had a condition called Manx syndrome.  She is buried under the apple tree.

Nala the cat, she changed our lives so much and blessed us with all that she taught us about ourselves. The patience it required and the love required to keep her alive for as long as we did was a blessing to us.

The lilac's are getting ready to show their stuff.  The white lilacs will be the first to bloom. My allergies will know when they are fully in bloom.  Thanks for stopping in and checking out my things that I share.  Have a good Tuesday........


  1. Lovely tulips and lilacs. What a cutie Nala was! That little statue is really nice. You will see her again you know.


  2. This Ozarks farm chicks lilacs are startin' to fade into a green leafy bush. Your tulips are great. I love the fact that ya'll had a statue of your cat, we lost a cat last spring to a coyote. Nuff said.....not a pretty sight...won't dwell on it....wouldn't be prudent.

    God bless ya'll and have one terrific Tuesday!!!

  3. I am sure you can spiff up that stature to look exactly like Nala. You have Lilacs in bud..I am impressed, they look beautiful! Those tulips are fancy..there is one kind that they call peony flowered tulips..I saw them in a plant catalogue..hardly looked like tulips at all:)

  4. Beautiful tulips! Ours are almost all gone now.
