Friday, April 16, 2010

An unusual bloom.....

I blogged about this last year at this time.  I was concerned that this bulb plant would not bloom.  It was just slow.  This is a multiple headed daffodil.  I have six of these as I must have bought them at a Lowes or Menards in the the late fall.  I didn't look at it as the package, as you can see it does look like a bunch of daffodils.

Here is a photo of the single stem with multiple flowers ready to bloom.  It is fun to have it and it does bloom later so that my daffodil bed keeps fresh blooms longer.

I moved this iris our from under a large bush late summer.  I would trim the bush back but it just was too close to allow them to bloom.  I am very anxious to see these large reddish brown iris blooms this year for the first time in  probably five years.

The rains coming tonight will take it's toll on these. They aren't not all bloomed out but they still are very good looking.

"You garden like an old woman!"  That was a quote I remember reading in a garden magazine a few years ago.  I didn't think about it much but the words were given to a guy in the south about how he designed his garden.  I guess I thought that it was about one's plan of planting where you put things, where ever there is an open space, just get it into the grond.  Just like my mom with her garden on the farm, she just filled in all the areas not thinking about what things were tall or short and what things would spread and kill out other plants.

Someone mentioned a comment about my row of tulips and I had to laugh.  I have a row of peony bushes to the right of the row and one fall I followed the edge of them and put in the bulbs.  In the spring, the tulips are up first and you have these little soldiers all in a row.  It doesn't look like a border to the peony hedge at all as they aren't up yet. By the time the tulips are spent the peony bushes are in full swing. Bad timing, huh?

Most times anymore I plant like an artist, grouping things in an informal design.  I actually planted last fall new daffodils and hyacinths in a grouping, not in a row.

Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. I don't think it's bad timing, it's kinda like going to a baseball game and watching the crowds do the wave! One group takes a turn then sits down and waits on the next group to have a turn! ;D

  2. Hi Larry, I really like your multi headed daffodil, it looks like nice sized blooms too!
    Your Virginia Bluebells are lovely. Everyone gardens long as you are happy with it..that is all that matters:)

  3. We do some of our tulips down a row on the sidewalk coming to the front door...I love them that way and we get tons of compliments on it! So don't worry..wherever they bloom they are beautiful~!
