Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday's blooms.........

My tulip review is all lined up for you to see. It really has been the best year for these, as they usually get frosted or snowed on to cause them blemishes.

Another group to show you.

One of my daffodils gives you a perfect profile. Great colors and shape to give us a view of a perfect shaped flower.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Beautiful colors of tulips. The daffodil is perfect.
    There maybe chickens in the barnyard this weekend, hope you stop by! ha-ha!
    Sunny :)

  2. So pretty! I really love the row of tulips and what a great shot of the daffodil.

  3. Love your tulips and daffies.

    Enjoy spring in your gardens.


  4. Those tulips reminds me of my mothers when I was a kid. She planted them like she was planting a rows.

  5. The unusual shot of the daffodil really showed the flower well. The parade of tulips is a credit to you.

  6. Gorgeous...can't wait for my tulips to bloom..I'm afraid I will miss them, we are heading to Florida next week for the birth of another grandchild, so I think I am going to miss them!
