Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday's world.......

I am starting to develop a garden area outside of our new dining room window.  I am going to develop it slowly as it right now is filled with so many alums.  I want to plant around and among that area and create something special just for the window view.

I photographed these last year and here they are again. The inexpensive bag of tulips can get you any kind of tulip.  These are unusual shaped tulips but I do like them. We are 80 degrees F. today and that is going to encourage their blooming.

Even though I have insisted that I am shutting down the framing business all of these people are hurriedly bringing in things to be framed. I have been too busy to frame things but this is an interesting project given to me to solve. Her late mother is feeding the chickens and I am to incorporate these items around the photo. I am close to finding the solution, and I may find some old jewelry, not valuable, to put in with it to give it a more interesting arrangement.

My wife and I sat for two hours and fifteen minutes at Charles Gabius Ford today, waiting for the people to change the oil and do other major things to the different fluids.  I usually don't take that much care of a car, but it is getting the Ford treatment this time to see if I can keep the car working better.  It was too long of time to wait, and the free car wash didn't really take away the weariness that one gets from having to listen to morning television shows that we don't want to hear or see. 

Last week while our car was parked in a lot, and we were inside the store, some one clobbered the side of our car with their door.  It wasn't just a small ding but a large door dent at top and bottom of the door.  I would think it was a hard enough bang that the door of the other vehicle must have received some damage.  No note of course and my insurance will have to cover it.  I just hate to have to deal with the time it takes to get the repair done.

The high heat today is hard on our bodies as we have to readjust our systems to this warm weather.  It makes one head achy and  very sluggish.  We had a wind to help keep it almost tolerable. The way things work in Iowa, it may stay too warm from here on out until fall.  Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. The weather there sure changes quickly from winter to summer like temps.
    I used to have 'Angel Face', I loved that rose and plan to find it again.
    I like the arrangement of your framing, what a neat old picture.

  2. What a lovely view you will have from the dining room of the new garden area.
    I love the framing project with the treasures around the photo. I have an old locket of Mother's that I hope one day to put into a shadow box.
    It was 88 in GA today. As you say, our energy level is low!

  3. nice shots! It seems like just a short time ago you were talking about all that snow there, and now the heat! We are getting some of your heat tomorrow, I hope..but only the 70's---but we will be heading to Florida in about a week because our daughter is due for her baby then....then I will be in some real heat again! ha

  4. I actually bought Angel Face at Wally mart. I wasn't going to by any of those anymore, but an addiction is an addiction.

  5. I have been enjoying our Iowa weather these last few days, but I think over the week-end we are to have a bit of a cool down. I have had that run down feeling all week. I have been to lazy to blog much, or even visit and read others blogs.

  6. Larry, I never know which of your blogs to follow. You have garden photos on each.

  7. Seems like awfully fancy stuff to have around a farm photo..but what do I know. Maybe some old buttons would bridge that gap. You need to get over that impulse buying of Roses at up for some real good roses..:)
