Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fixed the mower with duct tape........

I have not  been to the right store that carries mower parts.  I bought a box of springs of various sizes but it didn't have the one that would work.  It has rained so much that I haven't been in a hurry to get back to the mower, but yesterday I had to take a strand of duct tape and replace the throttle spring with it.  It worked for a half hour at a time and then it would heat up and let loose.  I mowed the orchard area and it was such tall grass but it made the river birch look good standing out in it's fresh mowed area.

This is the second year for this to bloom and I am curious about how much of those little buds will actually open up as flowers.  The viburnum is like my allium plants, it has provided me with so many great photo shots.

It was 72 degrees yesterday and today it will be less warm but the rain is finally out of the forecast for awhile. We have our boards glued together for our mural project and it is back in the house.  We walk around  the 6 foot square piece of wood and will continue to do so until the painting gets done. It stands up vertically so it is an obstacle.  The painting will go into the old interurban railroad station. Photos will be shared much later.
Have a good Sunday and thanks for stopping by.............


  1. You sound like us; we bought a bag of different washers for the sink and NONE of them were what we needed! The birch tree and Viburnum are lovely pictures. I know you are enjoying the warmer temps. I'll be anxious to follow you and your wife's mural project. Enjoy your day.

  2. Am anxious to see your mural develop...and duct tape on the mower?? Bwaaahahaaaaa that is hilarious! You are the McGuyver of lawn care. hahaaaa

  3. If you get that mower working properly and get all your grass cut, you - and your mower - can head on over here because I have lawns back, front and side that need doing. Get the job done properly and I will take you down to the White Cross and buy you a pint.

  4. I'm sure they take duct tape along with them on shuttle missions.....;-D

  5. I use duct tape too..mainly to pick up dog hair..hope you eventually found the right part for your mower! I enjoyed the photo of your beautiful River Birch! :)
