Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday's scatterings.......

How many photos can I take of allium before all my followers drop off the charts.  I can't help it, they are still looking good.

I lost one out of two orchids but this one is thriving (not striving).  I actually have two new leaves coming out and a sprout.  It sets in the bright light of the new dining room window but not in the sun.  I have been good to it with minimal watering when I water the African violets.  So far it is hanging in there.

I have drug my agapanthus back up and out of the basement.  I am going into a heavier feeding program as I read that they like to be crowded and fertilized.   I did have the one plant actually bloom last year with one sprout of blooms.   I should send them to my brother to California as they grow like weeds out there.
Thanks for stopping by,.......... mowing, weeding, mulching, and fertilizing will be the name of the game.


  1. Do you make house calls? ha-ha! I've really got to get going with my gardening.
    I love the reflections in the first picture, very pretty.
    Sunny :)

  2. Hello Larry, I believe the allium are at their prettiest now. They have really put on a show this season. I've never grown orchids are agapanthus but I do love both. Hope you two enjoy the weekend.

  3. wow, Larry! You are one serious gardener. I've never had the patience to dig plants up and save them in the basement all year. Plus, not much room down there, so I tip my hat to you.

    I love that top photo...the close up of the allium. I am a big fan of those kinds of shots.

  4. we have our orchids in the kitchen window - facing East - i water them once a week sometimes two - i flood the pot with luke warm water let it all drain and put it back in the pot. they are going great.

  5. Still loving that blue garden ball and purple flower combination!

  6. OK, OK. I give up. I'll have to get some allium seeds! ;-D
