Friday, May 21, 2010

Flowers abloom on Friday.........

This is a shot of my pink weigela bush.  It is a healthy one as I pruned it all down to the ground a couple of years ago while I was working on the house.  It is on the side of the house that I don't see often so I was surprised to look out and see it in full bloom.

When I go to the Murray Cemetery, I always scout out the antique Iris.  While there I can find iris that has been mowed back by the grounds keepers because it has been there so long and it is invasive after all those years.  I took a couple samples home with me and I must have mixed the purple iris from my mom's place.  As you can see I have a yellow stem and a purple stem side by side.

Here is the one that is sitting next to the yellow antique one. This was posted a few days earlier.  It is more purple than the camera picks up but it is a beauty.

My rhubarb is doing so well this year that I had to throw some of it away.  My wife pointed out that we had some red raspberries still in the freezer, so we added them into the rhubarb cobbler mixture.  It smells great and I know it will taste good too.  I make the filling and she makes the topping and we get the job done.
My red raspberry patch has enlarged itself by 5 fold since last year. I will be interested in seeing how much we will be able to harvest from it.  I believe that they produce berries only on new canes, at least I hope so,  as I have lots of them.  Thanks for stopping by..............


  1. I've never grown the pink weigela - I love the soft color. What a treasure you have in Iris bulbs. The purple is so brilliant. I know that raspberry/rhubarb cobbler will be delicious. One of the cookbooks Larry and John brought me from Wyoming has a Rhubarb Crisp and Rhubarb Pie recipe in it. Looks like I have a lot of pies to bake!!!

  2. It sounds like the garden is off to a good start there in the northern tundra! Growing rhubarb always rekindles my "zone envy" just fizzles and fries in ATL

  3. The Weigela is lovely, I'm not that familar with it.
    My Irises have not bloomed yet, a few more days I would guess.
    My husband has turned over the garden and mixed in the compost. Looks like planting time is getting closer.
    ☼ Sunny

  4. Did you know you can freeze rhubarb? I practically begged for rhubarb this year. My brother gave me some but I had to promise him I'd make him some jam with I did. I bought three plants last week but we haven't set them out yet. Your flowers look lovely.
