Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday's happenings.......

This is the third iris of my cemetery collection.  It is one of my favorites.  It didn't bloom last year so I may move it to a hotter and drier location.  It only has one or two buds on it this year.

I need to get out my weedeater, but my hand works best to get the weeds out from around flowers.  I always and I do mean always cut off flower blooms if I get into a flower garden area.  I need to weed more around these two hostas but I haven't been able to get outside for two days.  We are moving into 90 degree weather now so I can pull weeds and they die instantly.

This is another quick shot of my Iowa Wild Rose.  It probably was my best shot of it so far.

My wife and I got a lot done on the house today.  We are rapping up the bathroom remodel and now have the living room painted.  Painting walls goes so much faster than remodeling work.  It feels like we might get it done by another month, or close enough to get it on the market.  We are going to play this Saturday as we haven't taken any day off this week.   We worked the house on Monday also and the rest of the week was recuperating and getting work done around the house.  I hope you all have a good weekend.  Thanks for stopping in.........


  1. I'm glad you two will be taking a day off tomorrow. I hope you have a relaxing time.

    I've never seen an iris quite like this ~ it is just beautiful. I also like your hosta and the Iowa wild rose. Boy, it sure got hot in a hurry up your way!

  2. I couldn't help but stop on over as soon as I saw your Iris, to tell you I have that very same variety of Iris growing in my garden. It's an OLD Iris, given to my husband's mother by his grandmother, and now growing in my garden.
    The colors are just spectacular.
    I like to pull weeds by hand too, then I know I've got the roots and all, but there are lots of places, nothing but a weedeater will do the job.
    Love your wild rose, heavenly !

  3. LD, That iris, oh that iris. And I thought the yellow one outstanding but this one... And the Iowa Wild Rose. All I can say is you are one lucky gardener to have those growing in you garden. Enjoyed all the pictures. Hope you have a restful but fun weekend. - G

  4. Beautiful iris LD and I love that rose also.

    Enjoy your wonderful bloomers and don't work outside too much with the heat and humidity.


  5. I adore that first Iris. It is my all time favorite variety. Stunning!

  6. Oh Larry, that Iris is breathtaking! I would blow it up to a 16X20 and frame it!
