Thursday, May 6, 2010

Globe Allium and a globe.

I had to look this up on the net but I thought I remembered it being called a globe allium.  The mind plays tricks on me sometimes and I was trying to call it alum for a while. It is very windy and going to get cold tonight. I bought a box of springs today, many different sizes,  hoping one of them will get my mower throttle back to working.  We had a busy day but I don't feel like I accomplished very much. I guess I will go get another cup of coffee and not worry about it.
Thanks for stopping in.........


  1. We had very strong winds earlier in the week and many of my irises got broken. I hope you are successful working on the lawn mower. The globe allium make a very pretty picture. My husband and I have a joke that whenever neither of us can remember the name of a plant, we call it a begonia!!!

  2. Cute flowers and I love the globe..the flash of blue must look great with your blue gate!
