Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday's wanderings..........

My purple allium plants  are about ready for full show. It is spotty looking right now but when they open up fully it is wonderful to see.

Another purple flower is this bunch of aging tulips. The seem almost sculptural as they fade away.

The fernleaf peony is in it's second year on my property.  It is quick to bloom and will be gone soon. The plant is so striking to see in the garden.

I like to photograph the pinoak as it's leaves are so graceful in shape.  It was about two weeks ago that they dropped their old leaves from last year as the new budding leaves shoved them off the branches.

I mowed today until the small little spring fell off the mower that controls the throttle. It won't work without it. I was done with the public side of the yards, but the orchard is way overdue to be mowed.

While out there I can see new things happening in my yard. I noticed the half dead William Baffin rose has put out a new plant about a foot away from the old one. The original plant is 85 percent dead and I plan to run a long extension cord over to it and use my reciprocating saw to prune it back.  I have successfully moved some purple iris from the south property, and I have one very large iris bud ready to bloom.  It will be a great big blackish purple bloom.

I moved a small  crowded hosta today and dug a crowded bunch of hosta to spread out plants in the back yard. That hosta is a tough plant to dig and divide.  No turning back once you have made your move, and I got about seven or more new plants from it.  We are having a hot, windy day today, but I am sure when it cools off tonight they will look better. I watered them a lot but 81 degrees is a shock to most things like that.

I transplanted tomato plants into bigger containers today.  I was slow getting them started but they catch up pretty fast once they are put into real soil. I have cut back from the 100 or so plants that I use to have.  I hope to finish off with a dozen plants and give away a lot of plants to others to grow their own tomatoes.

I hope that this finds everyone ok today.  Our blogger friends in Tennessee are my concern today as the flooding continues. I am glad the New York bomb was a failure, and I hope the South can get some resolve to the problem with the oil coming their way.  Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. I love posts like this just full of blossoms and news! The Allium are so pretty and the gazing ball is so nice ~ What a great reflection you captured in it. Both the tulips and the peony blooms are such vivid colors. Sounds like you have had a hot day to divide hostas and mow the grass. It's always fun to get so many new plants from one even though dividing the hosta is tough work! Hope you have great success with the tomato plants. Have a good evening.

  2. Sounds like you really got a lot accomplished. Too bad about the mower though. The fernleaf Peony is very pretty, do they normally bloom earlier than other types?

  3. It seems like just a few days ago you were showing us pictures of the snow in your garden. It looks like spring has taken over with its lovely colors.
    Sunny :)

  4. Your yard is filling up with beautiful blooms! That Allium will be striking soon! That fern leaf peony is so very pretty!! 81 degrees..we are not much above 50 today..I am ready to hibernate again:(

  5. I think you should also spare a thought or two for your blogger friends in Britain who have to face up to a General Election today!!

  6. You're so busy in the garden just now. I love your allium and globe combination, with the round shapes echoing each other. Ever thought of going in for garden design as (another) retirement occupation?
