Monday, May 3, 2010

Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum 'Summer Snowflake'.........

From Wayside Nurseries, their blurry photo.

I think I have found the actual name of a plant that I thought was a snowball bush. With the help of Far Side, she helped me narrow it down to what I bought. It had snowflake in it's name not snowball. Now I ordered it as a stick from a cheap catalog years ago. It didn't bloom until last year.  I waited on it for forever.    The little white buds are blooming around the edge first and the way the flowers project up makes it look like my plant.

I guess I will quit calling it a snowball bush.  Here is mine, and you can see it is flowering all around the edges.

You can see the shrub behind the field lilies to the right. It has grown quite big.  I have hydrangea in the front yard but it doesn't form into a bush shape. The viburnum shrub does make sense.  I really like it's shape and will be glad to enjoy it for it's real name now.


  1. Oh this is a beauty Larry. I have not heard of this variety. I bet these blooms would be pretty dried.

  2. Could be Larry..I think yours is prettier! :)

  3. Hi Larry, me again, I believe it is a Viburnum. Search for Virburnum plicatum tomentosum then look at Shasta, Mariesii and Summer Snowflake. :)

  4. Funnily enough I was walking passed a garden only yesterday and saw a mass of white flowers just like the ones in your picture and took a photograph of it. Whether it is the same variety, I am not sure, but it certainly was visually stunning.
