Saturday, May 8, 2010

More honeysuckle bushes..........

I have been enjoying my red honeysuckle and forgot about my very old pink honeysuckle bush. It was already here when I bought the place back in 1976.  It is in the far corner of the backyard and I didn't think about going back to see it. I have a branch back there to be cut up and disposed of also.

It is faded in color some because it has been blooming for awhile.  You can see how pink it is with the few buds that haven't opened yet.

One other thing that I just found was a stone that my dad had cut and polished into a pendant.  "It is a modern artwork," I can hear him say it right now.  He loved finding patterns and shapes that he could cut around and polish into a piece of jewelry.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. When I was a kid, my sis and I shared a bedroom. The neighbor had this type of honeysuckle and we could smell that sweet aroma through the open window.
    That's a beautiful stone that your Dad polished. Like the marbles you featured earlier, it's fun to study the color variations.

  2. How blessed you are to have honeysuckle. I remember that as a kid.

    We moved into our little cottage here in 1973, and there wasn't much in the way of flowers at all. I've slowly put in several gardens over the years and love our little haven.

    Love your Dad's polished stone. We polished shells a long, long time ago. It was fun, and the shells were beautiful after being polished. You are right, each one is a work of art.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. I didn't know there was a pink honeysuckle. You want some yellow/white? It grows everywhere here. Roots easily.

    I love that stone. It really is a work of art.

  4. I don't know what honeysuckle plant is but its flowers are adorable! I knew that your dad is really a modern art designer by seeing that well polished stone!
