Sunday, May 9, 2010

Creative mat cutting.....

a framer's world behind the scenes........

Cutting decorative grooves in a mat for two crochet items.

Sizing it up to see if it is going to work, or do I have to do it again?

It worked, so I had to cut openings to hold the two crocheted items.

Ready for the items to be attached to the mat then I will assemble by adding glass and sealing up the back.

My wife and I have lost track of as to how many of these we have done.  We had to learn how to block out the name crochets so that they were perfectly straight.  The lady that made these always made a heart for her customers for a Christmas ornament. Her customers would all bring it along and have me incorporate them into the design. Thus I thought the line grooves would help to tie the two openings together.  Every single one that I have cut, has been an original design and different than any one's else frame job.

I didn't get this job done as I had to stop and get a cross stitched baby designed framed and ready for Mother's day for a customer.  I will return and finish it up on Monday.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Hey, there! I'm catching up on your posts --love the viburnum and the fern leaf peony especially!
    I've been missing Sepia Saturday because of a looming deadline, alas.

  2. Very nice, I like how the lines bring it together.
    Sunny :)
