Monday, May 3, 2010

A slow blog day.....

I snapped this a couple of days ago of one of the new plants we bought for some of the flower gardens outside. I didn't get them planted Sunday so maybe this evening. It is another day to head south and mow lawn and work on the house.  Our rains are keeping things very green and the grass grows fast.  I don't plan on buying too many bedding plants this year.  We have an area next to our business sign that my wife will plant these daisy like flowers.
I did buy some marigolds for the hot spot out on the corner of the lot to bring a little curb appeal.  I bought two mums this years to see if I can get some fall flowers going.  I will plant one large container for the side door porch and then we will see what happens.
I cut off some sprouts off of a geranium that wintered inside, and they are all rooted, ready to go back into a window planter. I plant things sporadically so it gets done, just not all at once. My inside tomatoes have passed the three leaf stage and I bet they wished I would repot them. Time will tell but spring is early. Vegetable gardens go in May 15th around here.
Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Love to see the flower glad it is that time of year again!

  2. Same here, after Mother's Day for most seedlings.

  3. I can't wait to plant our veggie garden but not for a little while longer. Hopefully tomatoes will do better than last year, which was disasterous!
    Have a good week.
    Sunny :)

  4. I like the flower pictures also. I no longer plant a garden of any kind. But, I enjoy looking and photographing everyone elses.

  5. That looks like an African Daisy or a Cape Daisy..oh there is probably some fancy name like Osteospermum or something for will bloom all likes it warm! if you have a real hot spot try some Gazanias..they love it hot..and bloom effortlessly during the day..they come in pinks and yellow and weird striped colors..and white. :)
