Sunday, May 2, 2010

Butterflies, a frog with a mirror, and a fast boat.......

I gave my wife a stained glass decoration for her birthday and it really is colorful to see in the kitchen window. It of course is not the real stained glass but mostly plastic.

While digging through a box of stuff from my parents, one of my friends must have placed this in one for me to find.  It was a surprise even though I have seen it on a dresser in the back bedroom.  It is an unusual thing that I think came from my Grandmother's things originally.

The framing business is keeping my spare time very busy.  Every year one of my customers races his boat in a special race down at the Ozark lakes area.  He has won every year for  so many years.  He changed to this bigger boat a few years back. If you enlarge it and turn your head sideways you can see that he goes 115 mph. with this boat.  I can imagine the noise that it puts out to get the boat to go that fast. His winning keeps me busy framing for him.
Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by............


  1. The butterfly window decoration is so very pretty. Many years ago my husband gave me a hummingbird one that is similar in color etc.
    The frog is certainly a unique piece!
    That is really a sleek boat that your customer races. Wonderful that he has you to frame his photos each year; that must be a treasured collection for him and his family. Enjoy your Sunday.

  2. On top of my favorites list is butterflies, I hope you don't mind, but the butterfly photo is now my computer desktop picture. I love butterflies, I guess that is why I have a blog named, "Butterflies and Candles." Oh yes, I love candles also.

    The frog mirror is interesting and cute. I have a granddaughter who collected froggy things. When I visit her you find frogs everywhere. hehe

    A lovely job on the framing of the pictures. I see why your friends keep you busy framing things for them.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, and say "Hi" to your wife from me.


  3. I am pleased that the butterflies are on your desktop now, after all, butterflies are free!!! I am sure enjoying our Iowa spring.

  4. Who cares! It's wildly colorful! Very nice way to brighten anyplace the sun can get to it.

  5. Love, love, LOVE that frog mirror! Very funky!

  6. I like the little frog too..cute is like he is stuck there waiting to turn into a Prince:)
