Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesdays things........

Last years dianthus survived the winter and when my wife cleaned out the garden area around our business sign, you can now see the actual plant.

The spirea was slow blooming this year but it was showy.  The heavy snow and ice flattened all of my bushes and I do now need to add them to my pruning schedule.  They came out misshapened in places.

My water boy  is hiding behind the sucker tree that I need to cut  away. He never tires of holding his pose.

My neighbor lady's Terrier named Penny is such a character. She is looking out the porch window moaning because she can't come out and look at the flowers with us.  She is such a sweet little lady with lots of energy.

I stayed outside too long on Monday, mowing and trimming up things.  I took a break but by noon I could tell I had stayed out too long. One can just keep doing the next thing and the next thing until you don't realize how you really are feeling.  I can finish mowing the yard another day and I can do whatever else I want as the days go by.  I am grateful for air conditioning as it does make life good.

I have been thinking to my self about the settlers in this area 150 years or so ago, and I am sure they were first amazed of the weather here in Iowa.  After surviving such sever cold and snow, that the spring gave them such a false sense  of the future weather.  We have California like weather for a few weeks and then it is 90 degrees.  I can imagine they thought that the crops they planted in the spring were going to have a blessed, pleasant summer. I am not sure what they thought when the blazing sun started to shine forever.  I planted tomato plants out Saturday and they didn't wilt or shrink as the day got to be so hot.   I guess Iowans have either bred plants to go with our climate or we found the ones that really do enjoy it. I know the corn companies have worked hard to create corn to root down when it gets hot and to take in the sun with out a worry.

Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. I've been reading on several blogs about the heat you're having there now. It's so cool here still I can't even imagine it. I bet those early settlers were pretty shocked by the heat too. Take it easy and don't work too long out there.
    I'm just planting my first Dianthus this year, the smell so good.

  2. You are too hot; we are still too wet and cold. We lost all the starters we put up early in May. It looks as though we have to hope for drier and warmer summer.

  3. Pretty flowers today and a nice statue. It's easy to get overheated while trying to complete a project outdoors. We have one clump of dianthus and as Catherine says, I love the clove-like fragrance. I hope you won't have storms this afternoon.

  4. Hi Larry, That Dianthus is very pretty..I am not usually a pink person..but it is a lovely color. Your Spirea looks pretty good to me..I had some stuff mainly Hydrangea Annabelle and Hydrangea PG that really are severely damaged..and my Purpleleaf Sandcherry..can't believe it. So now I have to trim creatively. They were all getting to be nice sized shrubs too:(
