Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday morning and my backyard.......

We are starting to go into our hot part of the summer already. All of these plans will bloom in another month. You can't see the path anymore as the rains have made the lilies.phlox and hosta all very lush. Working on a mural today and mowing the tall grass. Weeding if there is time. Thanks for stopping in....


  1. A lovely photograph of your backyard. I like the way the sun is streaming through and I love the chair in the background. If not for the heat, it looks like a good place to sit and read and enjoy a lemonade.

  2. Love your lush back yard. Everything looks great.

    Hope your day is a good one.


  3. It is very a flourishing botanical garden...I'm very impressed!!

  4. After a bleak winter of everything looking blah, I am always surprised at how fast plants grow making everything look so green and lush. Your backyard looks like a nice place to escape and relax.
